Chapter 5: It's Official! {18+}

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{Smut Warning!}


It's been a couple of days since the premiere, Logan and Sydney haven't been so close, they've barely left the others side, in fact with the Christmas Holidays coming up, it'll be the first and hopefully only time they'll be away from each other, with Logan going back home to England and Sydney going to her parents place in Washington, so their making up for lost time.

Sydney: Oh fuck ~ I love it ~

Sydney's rocked her hips on Logan as he laid in his bed, they got back to their place the day after the premiere and haven't left this bed, not unless it was a must have, then they'd figure something out, they've fucked in the shower, in the bath, in his bed, in her bed and pretty much all over the apartment.

Logan: Keep rocking baby.

Sydney leant forward, her hands pushing on his chest as she looked down to him, Logan's hands on her hips helping her rock her pussy over his cock, neither of them have ever had sex quite like this before, it's hotter, it's wetter and it's just better, there isn't one of them that doesn't regret not mentioning these feelings before this, they've been friends for years when they could have been fucking for years instead.

Sydney: I love you ~

Logan smiled as she leant down, her right hand snaking up into his hair and pulling him into a kiss as Logan's arms wrapped around her, making it so she's laying on top of him, her legs either side helping her move her hips back and forth, taking her time as they both enjoyed the sensation of each other.

Logan: I love you too ~

Sydney smiled as they continued to kiss, they didn't need to rough fuck or rush this, they have nowhere to be today other then just in each others arms, this is the guy that Sydney fell in love with, not the one he used to be when he was with Ariana, Logan does need to talk to her though but he keeps on putting it off, ignoring her calls and telling the security desk downstairs that he's not here if she stops by, Logan knows he needs to tell her but not right now, right now he's enjoying his time with the women he was meant to be with all his life.

Sydney: You gonna cum? I want to cum together.

Logan rolled them both other so he's now on top, Sydney smiled with a giggle as her legs went around him, her hands clasped to his face and holding him into another kiss, this is the closest to love making their ever going to get as Logan gently pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside her, wanting nothing more then for them both to cum, neither said a word, just moaned and groaned into the others mouth till the both reached their climax, at this point neither really cared about the risks of him cumming inside her, they'd deal with that if it ever even happens...

{End of Smut!}


Logan was the first to wake up from their little slumber, they seem to be doing that a lot lately as well now which makes sense considering how much time they actually seem to be spending having sex, it sounds crazy but they are just having fun at this point, stings full attached, Logan has her now and he's not going to be letting her go.

Logan: Syd? Do you want something to eat?

Sydney's still partially asleep, her hands hugging onto his arm as he held her close to him, she didn't want him to leave but he needs to get something to eat, something proper to eat that's not on her body anyway, she seemed to say "No" while fighting with him to keep his arm, after a little tickling, since she's ticklish, she let him go so he was able to put some clothes on and head to the kitchen.

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