"I'll see what I can do Adam," Miku stated before looking at the official, she went off to talk with him about other matters while Adam continued to look around. The male continued to walk before looking at one of the demolished houses. Inside the crater surrounding the rubble he found something inside, he carefully stepped down and his boots made a small splash in the water before he would then kneel down. Adam reached his left hand out and moved the mud and dirt away to find a fossilized remain of a trilobite. He would tilt his head in curiosity before coming back to reality as Miku called him, he dropped the fossil and went back up to join her.


Adam, Miku, and a few other soldiers with radiation protection gear walked around the empty and dark corridors of the nuclear reactor. They all held flashlights and looked around while Adam held out a Geiger reader and still got high radiation from within the building; he looked up and waved his flashlight around but there was nothing in the walls that showed signs of cracking or breaks. It wouldn't be for a few more hours until they reached the control center of the reactor, the soldiers fanned out while Adam quickly went to the consoles and look at the readings for the power output inside the building. He sat down in a chair and his eyes widened in surprise, "Radiation output is 0, same with power and... everything else," he said as he looked at Miku who had the same look of surprise on her face. "How is that possible? We inspected this entire reactor before coming here and there are no signs of damage or leaks."

"It shouldn't be, unless the reactor was shut down manually or if there was a breach. However everything last night was normal until the attack happened by... a giant creature."

Adam looked at the radiation again before he would just slowly stand up, inside his own thoughts about what could have actually happened at the reactor and the people here. The two would lift their heads up as one of the soldiers yelled in Japanese which caused Adam to look at Miku, "Survivor," she said as they ran to the yells of the soldier. They went down the right hallway and took a left at the fork to see a soldier kneeling down next to an old man with white hair, torn clothes, holding his hands while shaking in fear. The other soldiers came to the location while the main one was trying to calm the old man down before he would cough harshly. 

Miku and Adam looked at eachother, hoping that this survivor would live past the effects of the high amounts of radiation inside the building. Adam ran the meter over the man and there was high amounts of radiation in the old man anyways as he would sigh and shake his head, believing that he might be in the same state as the others they saw in the tent. The soldiers helped the old man up and walked through the reactor, keeping pace while keeping an eye out for other survivors. The man kept his eyes forward before he would then open his own mouth quivering his lips before speaking, "Gojira."

Adam looked at the old man with the soldiers and Miku, the old man continued to repeat the word "Gojira" over and over again. He looked forward again as they walked towards the exit after a few more moments as the light came in to the building. They all stepped out while the soldiers carefully walked the old man to the boat they used to get to the reactor, and used the motor to get the old man to one of the medical centers to get some medical treatment. He crossed his arms before he then looked at the reactor, then back at the city, all the while what the old man said kept echoing in his mind. 


A few hours later, Adam would be eating at a restaurant while comparing the testimonies of the survivors he talked to and even what the old man said back at the nuclear power plant in Onagawa. His brows knitted together for a moment as he found one commonality between all of the statements of the survivors, which was a gigantic creature came up from the ocean, destroying the city, firing some sort of beam weapon that blinded half of the survivors while the others kept their eyes well covered, then headed towards the reactor. He would just shake his head before grabbing a sushi with a fork and eating it, frustrated at the actual testimonies being similar enough, even when science would not be able to support a giant creature theory. "Still eating sushi with a fork?" Miku asked as she sat in the opposite chair from Adam's position.

"I am still not great with chopsticks," Adam said after he swallowed his sushi.

"Oh trust me, I remember your battle with them back during college."

"Don't remind me of that time Miku, that was embarrassing to do that in front of the foreign exchange student."

Miku giggled before looking at the papers on the table, "Still looking into the reports and testimonies?"

"More like, trying to make sense of them," Adam stated with a frustrated sigh before drinking some Coca Cola. "The creature that they are proposing, cannot exist. The creature being amphibious, yes, that part is definitely possible but if it would come up on land," he stopped for a moment and rubbed his eyes for a moment. "It would be crushed by its own weight when it tried to get on shore."

"Because of the square cubed law?"

"Exactly," Adam pointed at Miku, "Even if you square the number you have to bone and be able to cubed the volume, the bone density doesn't mean it would support anything big. They would just crumble under its own weight due to the bones haven't gotten stronger and gravity would be pushing it down with all of its force to the Earth."

"What about the lack of radiation in the reactor?"

"That I can't even explain," Adam said as he would rub the back of his head, "No living creature could even stand that radiation, I have seen animals die from excess amount of radiation and some plant life die due to different forms of radiation. Now people are dying within a few days or minutes after exposure to high radiation levels in Onagawa," he said as he just crossed his arms for a few moments. "Did you get anywhere with the name the old man gave us. What was it... Gojira?"

"You at least pronounced it correctly," Miku teased before pulling out a file and giving it to him, "Not much in the records but the name is traced back to the island the three shipwrecked rescue officers were found, Odo Island."

"Odo Island? Never heard of it."

"Not surprising, I didn't even know about it until the last few days ago," she explained before looking at the files with Adam. "But before the island was abandoned, it was a fishing island with a village on it. According to an elder there, the island had a guardian that when the fish couldn't be caught they would sacrifice a livestock to their guardian to bring the fish back."

"Sounds a lot like the Old Testiment in the Bible with sacrifices."

"Except, these used to perform human sacrifices too during ancient times," Miku commented before she continued with the briefing. "From there, they would continue the traditions until the mid to late 40s, they stopped. That's all it's there in the records which stopped at 1954," she said as she looked at Adam before crossing her arms under her chest. "Which is something that's there too, because when I did research the last time Odo Island was even visited by anyone from Tokyo or the mainland was during 1954. Something else is going on."

"Well, there was the Castle Bravo test in the Marshall Islands during that year," he proposed while he rubbed his chin. "They could just be evacuated until the radiation dissipated."

"But that didn't happen and all of Japan was affected by the Fallout of that bomb."

"Then... what did happen that caused the evacuation of the village?" Adam asked as he looked outside for a brief moment. The information they had uncovered lead to more questions than answers as well as opening up a bigger mystery that dates back to the year 1954. "And what happened 70 years ago on that island?" He asked himself while trying to make sense of the entire situation. All the while, his coke in its glass bottle would start to shake slightly. The liquid went still before shaking once again, as in time with foot stomps. The monster was coming back and heading towards Tokyo.

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