"Avashya dau"

Balram proposes, "How about we send Krishn accompanied by someone else to convince Kans Maharaj of his innocence?"

Nand feels concern about the potential revelation of Krishn's birth secret and rejects the offer. On the other hand, Krishn supports the idea, stating, "It's a good plan, baba. This way, we comply with Maharaj's order to surrender me, and the other person can assure Maharaj of my identity"

Yashoda and Jatila ponder the idea, with Jatila agreeing, "I believe it's a wise suggestion. It will ensure the safety of both the villagers and perhaps even Krishn. But the question remains - who should accompany Krishn?"

Balram declares, "It's Ayaan!"
Jatila exclaims, "What? Mera Putr? Why would he go?"

Balram responds, "Why do you think? He has mastered his military and diplomatic skills, so he can protect Krishn in times of crisis and perhaps even convince the king to change his mind. Don't you agree?"

Jatila counters, "No, I can't risk my son's life. Who knows what that wicked Kans will do to him?"

Yashoda interjects tearfully, "Wah Jatila ji, when it's your son you say 'no', but when it's my son you say 'yes'."

"Will you actually put your education to good use in this crisis, Ayaan, or is it just a fancy title for you?" Balram taunts.

Provoked, Ayaan retorts, "Of course, I will be on the side of action with Krishn."

Jatila pleads with her son not to go, but Ayaan quietly tells his mother, "Maa, this is no longer about Krishn's death. It is about my honor. We may have other opportunities to deal with Krishn, but if I back down now, I will be humiliated by others." With tears in her eyes, Jatila bids farewell to Ayaan and Yashoda to Krishn. Krishn assures his maiya that he will be safe. He looks at Radha, who approaches them and warns, "Please be careful, both of you." Ayaan nods and Krishn smiles at her, but she watches them leave with worry as soldiers accompany them.
Yashoda watching krishn go, cries and asks the gods to protect her son and so does Jatila for her own son.
While walking through the forest, Krishn and Ayaan were accompanied by soldiers. Krishn, acting fearful, expressed his gratitude to Ayaan for coming along to ensure his safety. Ayaan remained silent.

Upon exiting the forest, they were greeted by a large group of soldiers and Akrur awaiting Krishn. Ayaan couldn't help but feel scared in the presence of so many. Akrur then inquired, "Who among you is Krishn?"

Krishn pretends to seek refuge behind Ayaan and cries out, "Bade bhaiya, please protect me. It seems negotiations are not an option. Let's raise our weapons and fight." However, Ayaan is taken aback by the large number of soldiers and nervously points towards Krishn, saying, "He is Krishn." Krishn then smirks and continues to feign fear, exclaiming, "Badhe bhaiya, how could you betray me like this?"
Akrur replies, "We are here to kill only one boy, but if you don't leave, then we don't mind killing both of you." Hearing this, Ayaan runs back into the forest, with Krishn calling him from behind, "Bade bhaiya, please don't leave me alone." When Ayaan is no longer visible, Krishn laughs.

Seeing Krishn laugh, Akrur asks, "Did you lose your mind in fear?"

Krishn responds, "You are a competent minister, Akrur, but your unwavering loyalty to a tyrant is also your downfall."
Upon hearing Krishn mention his name, Akrur is shocked and orders the soldiers to attack Krishn. The soldiers quickly surround Krishn with spears at the ready.

Krishn then ascends into the air before landing forcefully with a fist blow, sending the soldiers around him flying

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Krishn then ascends into the air before landing forcefully with a fist blow, sending the soldiers around him flying.

Akrur is astonished by the power displayed by the young boy. Krishn warns Akrur to advise his king to abandon adharm and follow the path of dharma, or face consequences in the future. With that, Krishn vanishes into the forest.
Ayaan dashes back to Vrishbhan's residence. Spotting Ayaan unharmed, Jatila moves to embrace him, but Yashoda swiftly reaches him, clutching him, and inquires anxiously, "Why are you alone? Where is Kahna? Where is my Putr?" Radha scans behind Ayaan, seeking Krishna, while consoling Yashoda. Before Ayaan can respond, a voice calls out, "Maiya." All eyes turn to Krishn, safe and sound. Yashoda rushes to him, engulfing him in an embrace.

Subsequently, a villager arrives, reporting, "Mukya ji, there are injured soldiers on the outskirts of the village."

Vrishbhan inquires of both Ayaan and Krishn about the events. Ayaan remains silent and bewildered, while Krishn fabricates, "As we approached the village outskirts, we encountered hostile soldiers intent on harming me. Bade bhaiya valiantly defended me, engaging them in combat, and we hurried back here. Isn't that right?" Krishna glances mischievously at Ayaan.

Feeling ashamed for fleeing without aiding Krishn, Ayaan nods in agreement with Krishn's tale. As everyone praises Ayaan, Balram shoots Krishn a disapproving look for his lies.

Vrishbhan and Nand caution the villagers about an imminent attack by the Maharaj due to their disobedience, urging them to prioritize their safety.

At Ayaan's house, Jatila tells Ayaan, "We must flee. If Kans discovers that you rescued Krishn from his soldiers, I fear for what he might do."

Ayaan attempts to dissuade her, but Jatila persists in packing their belongings. Ayaan shouts, "That's enough, maa! Nothing happened as Krishn claimed. When I saw those soldiers, I fled, leaving Krishn there like a coward."

Upon hearing Ayaan's confession, Jatila inquires, "Then why did Krishn lie, and who harmed those soldiers?"

Ayaan responds, "I have no idea, Maa."

Jatila ponders and murmurs, "The message I dispatched to Kans demanded the elimination of Gokul, yet the Maharaj solely sought Krishna. Do you suppose the akashvani child is Krishn?"

Ayaan reflects and remarks, "It does seem plausible now that I think about it. When I initially encountered him in the forest, he effortlessly vanished whenever I attempted to catch him. And now, he's capable of inflicting harm upon numerous soldiers. I believe he is indeed the child of the prophecy."

"But maa, if he truly is that child, then I stand no chance against him to win Radha. He's someone mighty, destined to vanquish the mighty King Kans. How can I compete against him? He'll snatch Radha away from me. I can't imagine my life without her. What should I do?" Ayaan asks, desperate.

"In that case, we must assist Kans in eliminating Krishn," Jatila suggests.

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