Loona had a distraught saddened look on her face. She had just watched her pet turn-shadow completely fry her adoptive dad to death! She couldn't believe that Blitzo had just died like that in front of her. She wasn't sure what to think about this. She wasn't sure if chasing down Ren was even worth it anymore.

Millie was distraught as well, but she had tears running down her face as she silently cried. She had just lost her baby again. Only this time, he turned into a Shadow and leaped away like the Incredible Hulk. Moxxie of course trying to comfort Millie the best way he can right now, and it's just hugging her as she continues to stare off where she sees her precious baby go.

"It's going to be ok, Millie. We'll get him back for you, and it'll be ok." Moxxie said, being supportive.

"...H-How?..." Millie asked, just above a whisper.

"I... don't know. Maybe we can have Loona or Vortex track him?" Moxxie suggested.

"What?! No way in hell am I tracking down that maniac!" Vortex exclaimed angrily.

"What?!" Verosika and the succubi exclaimed, surprised to hear this from the hellhound.

"What do you mean you won't track him?!" Verosika demanded.

"What else does it mean?! I'm not tracking down a maniac that has nothing to do with ANY OF YOU! I'm not risking my neck or ass just so you can make him your fuck toy!" Vortex vented angrily.

"Well, I'm your BOSS!!! So YOU do what I tell you to do, and I'm telling you to track down Ren! RIGHT. NOW." Verosika demanded.

"Is tracking him even worth it anymore?" Loona spoke up, her voice sounding hopeless.

"What?" Moxxie questioned.

"Is it worth it now? To track down someone who will only get us hurt, or killed? Someone that wants nothing to do with us? Especially the Shadow he's turned into? In case you haven't noticed, but he just fried my dad! I don't even know what I'm doing anymore!" Loona vented in frustration.

She could hear Shadow Narukami laughing, Of course, it was only a part of her imagination.

"He's my baby..." Millie said just above a whisper so everyone could still hear.

"What?" Verosika questioned.

"He's my baby... I want my baby back... but that monster isn't my baby." Millie said, still staring off towards where Shadow Narukami was last seen.

"You're still here?... I suppose that's good in this situation." Stella spoke up as she approached them.

"What do you want?" Verosika asked rudely.

"I have a proposition for you. If I can find a solution to expel the beast within the boy, we can work out a deal so we all can keep him to ourselves." Stella proposed.

Everyone, except for Vortex, looked at each other in a thinking matter and looked back at Stella suspiciously.

"How do we know you won't cross us?" Verosika asked with suspicion in her tone.

"It's either you accept my proposal, or you lose that kid to the Shadow he's become," Stella stated firmly.

The girls remained silent as they weren't sure if they should take the deal.

"I'll give you all a minute to process," Stella said as she walked back into the palace.

"Stolas! Your impish fuck toy is dead on the pavement!" Stella called out as she walked back inside.

"WHAT?!" Stolas exclaimed loudly.

Even though he was inside the palace, everyone could hear him yell out in shock and worry from outside.

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