S1:E1 ; Dinner

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3rd POV

Sheldon is in the garage playing with his trains.

MARY- Shelly! Dinner's ready!
MISSY- Sheldon, if you don't get in here, I'm gonna lick your toothbrush!
SHELDON- Coming!

Sheldon runs inside and sits at the dinner table.

GEORGE- The hell were you doing out there?
MARY- George, language.
GEORGE- What language?
Mary gives George a look, George sighs and turns to Sheldon.
SHELDON- I was exploring dimensional kinematics.
GEORGIE- Admit it, he's adopted.

Georgias POV
I hit Georgie. It was funny, I admit. But if Mary catches me laughing at that- she'll pray me to hell, I can't afford that.

GEORGIE- What? You know you're thinking it.

He spoke barely above a whisper, just loud enough for me to hear. Deep down, I know he's right, but I'm not gonna tell him that. Stuff him. I just shake my head and roll my eyes, tuning back into the conversation.

SHELDON- How can I be adopted when I have a twin sister? Think monkey, think.

I let out a snort. Rookie mistake. Mary shoots a glare at me. I'm not sure why she adopted me, she's never seemed too fond of me if I might say. Maybe I have too quick of a mouth or too harsh of one at that, I'm not sure. I look at Georgie and he's looking at me with that same expression. Had to laugh at that.

GEORGIA- Sorry, I shan't think you as a monkey is funny.

I catch Missy smiling, she's always been my favourite. Just like me, I'm afraid. Quick mouth that runs a lot.

MARY- That's enough. No one's adopted.

Georgie and I share a look.

GEORGIE- She is.

He says, as he points at me. With Georgie I always feels so targeted. I sigh, drawing my lips together, hiding a smile.

MARY- I said that's enough now. No one is adopted.

No one.
Are you sure about that Mary? Yeah, it's true. What you're thinking. She hasn't officially told me yet. Me and Georgie may have come across the papers one day during one of our skips.

MISSY- I wish I was.
MARY- That can still be arranged. Now let's pray.

Ouch, brutal today, are we.

SHELDON- A moment please.

Sheldon pulls his mittens over his hands as George sighs. He's always been a puzzle to me, Sheldon. But I admire his brain, always have, it's always been as sharp as a tack, I like that.

MARY- Leave him be.
GEORGE- He can hold hands with his family. It won't kill him.
SHELDON- We don't know that.

I grow tired of this familiar conversation and find my eyes wandering down to the book in my lap- Sherlock Holmes. He's an interesting one. Sparked my interest about a year ago so I started reading the collection. I'm on The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

3rd POV

SHELDON- Georgie, did you wash your hands before dinner? Or even this week?
GEORGIE- None of your business.
SHELDON- Hence the mittens.
MARY- Now Georgia? Book down, please?
GEORGIA- Yes ma'am.

Georgia closes her book in her lap, and everyone holds hands, beginning to pray.

MARY- Thankyou God, for this food we are about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies, and bless the hands that prepared it.
ALL- Amen.
GEORGIE- How come we ain't got no tater tots?
GEORGIA- You probably ate em all.

Georgie glares at Georgia, while Mary ignores her comment.

MARY- I made tator tots last night.
GEORGIE- I'd take tator tots over mashed potaters any day.

Everyone begins eating.

MARY- Just eat what I made you.
GEORGIA- Oh trust me, he will.
GEORGIE- Not if you do first, you steal all my food.
GEORGIA- Maybe don't take so much then.
MISSY- Haha, she's calling you fat!
MARY- Hey, no one's calling anyone fat! Let's just eat, your father looks like he's already started.

George shoots Mary a look, she just looks away. Georgie sighs, looking at Mary.

GEORGIE- Can we at least have tator tots tomorrow?

Mary sighs.

MARY- Everybody excited to start school on Monday?
MISSY- I guess so.
MARY- Georgia? Georgie?
GEORGIE- How can I be excited when he's gonna be in the same grade as me.

Georgie says, pointing to Sheldon.

SHELDON- Don't worry Georgie, I'm not planning on being in the ninth grade for very long.
MISSY- All I know is he's not in the same grade as me anymore, and I'm thrilled.
SHELDON- Gooodluck with your finger painting.
MISSY- You're gonna get your ass kicked in highschool.
MARY- Hey, language.
SHELDON- I'm not going to be assaulted. Highschool is a haven for higher learning.

Georgia leans closer to Georgie and whispers in his ear.

GEORGIA- So smart yet so dumb.

They turn back to the conversation.

GEORGE- Oh dear god.
MARY- Speaking of God, who's going to Church with me tomorrow?

Georgias POV

How can she change subjects so quickly?

GEORGE- I can't. I'm meeting with the other coaches.
MARY- You can't meet after Church.
GEORGE- No Mary, I can't meet after Church.
MARY- Georgie?
GEORGIE- I got to study my playbook.

Georgie and I trade smiles. Mary then looks at me, eyebrows raised.

GEORGIA- Can't. Gotta study.
SHELDON- I'll go with you mum.
MISSY- Why are you going? You don't believe in God?

That is actually a valid question, why is he going?

SHELDON- No, but I believe in mum.
MARY- I'll take it.

Such a suck up.

MARY- Missy?
MISSY- Can't. Heather asked me to-
MARY- You're going.
MISSY- Son of a bitch.

She only muttered it, but kid has guts, gotta give it to her.

MARY- Hey!

Mary flicks the side of Missys head- presumably her temple.


Georgie giggles. But Missy throws a piece of food at him, creating a big scene. Here we go.

MARY- Missy! Don't you throw

Mary gets cut off from Georgie throwing his napkin at Missy. She stands up raising her voice.

MARY- Something at the dinner table!

It quickly turns into a food fight between Georgie and Missy, George scrambling for more food to stuff, Sheldon crawling under the table and Mary standing, simply stunned. I make my way under the table too.

GEORGIA- Hey Shel.

I open my book, beginning where I left off, Mary struggling to put an end to the madness. You can almost hear the desperation in hear voice.

MARY- Never at the dinner table! You knock that off Georgie. Missy do not retaliate!


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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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