Chapter 1

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"Liv!! Honey, hurry up and come downstairs, Annie is waiting."

"Coming, Mom."

I looked at myself in the mirror, adjusted my skirt and my blouse before finally leaving my room.

While grabbing my stuff hastly, I kissed my mom and closed the main door just to watch Annie impatiently waiting for me.

Maybe taking half an hour to get dressed up after receiving her message was not a good idea.

"Bitch, you told me to come early and you are the one who made me wait for 20 minutes."

I giggled and hugged her tightly.

"Babe you know right that I would be meeting James after a long time as I was out of station during the vacaysss so I needed to look my best."

"See, Liv, you know that I never liked that guy for you, I would still warn you darling to stay away from James, he isn't a good person. That's what my gut feeling has been telling me since past 3 years and you know my gut feeling never goes wrong."

"Annie, you have trust in me right."

She nodded.

"So please have some trust in my choices too and I swear to God if he turns out to me an asshole I'll marry any person you want me to. Wait why any person I'll marry you, my hottest bitch."

I winked at her.

She started laughing at my remark.

We both sat in her car. I sat in the driver's seat and drove off for our college. 'RedCrest High' is one of the most prestigious colleges of Australia.

This college has ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING you can imagine. Our college has had many popular alumni in almost every field. Most of the students here come from wealthy families and a few through scholarships.

Annie has been my bestfriend since 5th grade. She is my partner in crime. We both share the same braincells and have quite similar opinions for many topics but when it comes to the topic of guysss....

Our college has many handsome guys but the one who stole my heart is really the best amongst them.

James Arison, one of the hottest and most popular guys of our town. He is the 'popular main lead who is every girl's crush' which you see in most of the 2000's high school movies type of guy.

Silky blonde hair, ocean blue hooded eyes, sharp nose, 6'1, built lean body.

He is the epitome of beauty but this isn't the sole reason for his popularity.

He is great at sports too. He is our college's football captain too. Our team has always reached finals because of him.

And btw his charming personality is the first thing I fell for. Caring, loving, warm hearted and well behaved.

He has been my boyfriend since past 3 years when we both were in grade 12th. I had a crush on him for 4 years and I came to know that the feeling was mutual through one of our mutual friends.

He asked me out to be his date during the prom and confessed his love during the ball dance.

Finally, we reached our college gates. The big bold golden words read REDCREST HIGH.

I drove inside towards our car parking.
At our college, as most of the rich kids study here, we have reserved and general car parking area. The general is for any student but the reserved one is only for a few students and you have to pay a hefty sum to get a single reserved parking slot.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!", Annie exclaimed angrily.

"How is a car parked at our parking spot when we bought it for 75K???"

I was staring at the black Porsche parked at our parking slot where Annie's silver Aston Martin should have been parked.

I quickly parked our car in the general slot for the time being and took my belongings quickly as we were late for our class.

Annie stormed off to know about the whereabouts of the owner of the black Porsche.

I was rushing at the stairs towards my History class when suddenly I bumped into someone and started to fall back.

I closed my eyes tightly ready to get a few bones broken. But it didn't happen as a strong pair of arms held my waist tightly and pulled me.

I opened my eyes to see a familiar face.

'Tristin Sokolov'

So hey guyssss✨️
I finally uploaded the first chapter of this story.🥹
The main characters have been introduced and I am so excited to write further about them.
The chapter was just an introduction.
I hope you guys liked this chapter.😇
Please show a lot of love towards this story.❤️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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