Chapter 14 (KentaKim)

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Kim pov

It was a quiet and sunny morning. I had just woken up and was trying to process what had just happened the night before. I had revealed my deep feelings to Kenta, and to all my surprise and unexpectedness he had accepted them. He even told me he loved me. I didn't know if it was still a dream, but it certainly wasn't once that Kenta was sleeping next to me.

I looked at the clock to see that it was already a bit late and I had promised Alan that I would go to training today. But not now, they still had to wait. I had to enjoy every moment with Ken. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make him breakfast.

Kenta pov

I felt like a ray of sunshine disturbing my deep sleep. I reached out a hand to where Kim should have been, feeling the cold place. For a few seconds, I was scared thinking that everything was untrue, until I heard the room door slowly open. Kim thought I was still sleeping and didn't want to disturb me.

Kim: Oh, you're up already? Or did I wake you up now when I entered?

Kenta: Don't sit still. I was awake for a few minutes.

He sat down next to me and took me in his arms. For the first time in my life, I felt that someone really loved me and I felt protected and safe. He was looking at me with those beautiful eyes and a big smile on his face.

Kim: Good morning!

Kenta: Good morning!

Kim: I like these mornings.

Kenta: Me too, especially... since I'm... with you.

My voice was shaking and I felt like I was melting instantly under the touch of his arms.

Kim slowly got up next to me and went to the kitchen where he returned with a small black box. I looked at him confused and surprised. I didn't know what could be in that box, but whatever it was, I was sure it would have brought me great joy.

Kenta: Kim what about this box?

Kim: Ken last night I was honest. I love you and I don't want you to leave my side. I feel like I'm myself with you. And I want to open up more to you, to get to know me better, but first of all, please stay with me, here. Don't move.

Kenta: I know you're honest. But you know that I have not received love from anyone until now. I don't want this to be an excuse, but I'm trying to open up to you, anyway, I have nothing to tell or show about my past life. But I prefer to live now in the present with you. I love you too, even if I don't know what love is, I think you are. Besides, I already talked about this last night, I won't move. I want to stay with you too. But now you won't be stubborn anymore and we will share the expenses.

We looked at each other with tears in our eyes. He pulled me into a warm hug and kissed me on the forehead.

Kim: Now let's move on to this box. This is my first gift to you and proof that from now on we will live together and this will become our home.

I have never felt so vulnerable and moved when you chose me when Kim said that this would be our home. I had never felt at home anywhere as I did now. I took the box with trembling hands and opened it.

It was a key.

Kenta:'s a...key.

Kim: Yes, it's the key to the apartment. From now on we will stay together and you must have it too. Anyway, I shouldn't have made a big drama out of it, but I felt like doing it. Maybe you were expecting something bigger.

Kenta: No, Kim. It is the most beautiful and important gift anyone could ever give me. Thank you so much!

I love you very much!

Kim: I love you too! Now let's go eat. I want to do something before we go to the garage. I have already informed Alan that we will be late.

Hello everyone! First of all, I had a period with many exams and my health was not good. That's all I can give you at the moment. I promise that I will update other chapters in the next few days, so stay tuned.

Secondly, thank you for all the suggestions, nice and encouraging comments, and for every vote offered. This makes me continue to write and put my imagination to the test for you.

Thirdly, I hope you like this chapter and it would help me a lot if you always leave me a comment if you like what I write and a vote of course. And if you gave me a follow to be aware of what plans I have in the future.

Take care of yourself!

love you  🩷 🩷

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