5. The Favor

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Sebastian POV

"If you're really sorry, then stay away from me. For me, as well as my sister."

My own words echoed in my mind as I absentmindedly stared at my bedroom ceiling. Part of me acknowledged that I had been excessively harsh on Eve, yet another very big part of me didn't want to be caught up in her goblin business.

The bedroom door opened slowly, making me glance in its direction. "You've missed a very nice dinner", Ominis murmured as he made his way towards his bed.

"There'll be very nice dinners after today too", I mumbled. "Would you care to explain why you've been acting like this all evening, Sebastian?"

I detected annoyance in his voice. I couldn't blame him, I've barely spoken a word to him since I've come back from Hogsmeade.

I just kept my mouth shut wanting to ignore him.

Ominis sighed. "I can't give you any advice if you won't tell me what's going on now, can I?" "I don't need advice Ominis, I just need to be alone", I asserted.

"Fine, but if you're just going to be sulking here, then I'm going to the common room to play wizard chess with Eve." And with that Ominis left the room.

For some inexplicable reason, my heart ached. I felt guilty because I knew that she didn't choose for this to happen. Perhaps I also felt culpable because she had been nothing but kind to me since arriving at the school yesterday. Nevertheless, I needed space from her, for me and for Anne's sake.


"Pawn to E4," Ominis began the game, employing a classic move. "Pawn to E5," I replied. "So, how was Hogsmeade?" Ominis inquired.

"Oh, the town is truly marvelous. It's so sad I had to get back already." He smiled at my words. "That's great! It must have been a true sight so see. Not to mention the smell of candy and butterbeer lingering in the air when you get close to Honeydukes or The Three Broomsticks", he added, sharing my appreciation for Hogsmeade.

It made me chuckle. "That for sure." Ominis' face suddenly turned a bit more serious. "By the way, did anything happen with Sebastian during the trip?" A lump formed in my throat. I had an uneasy feeling that Sebastian's dear friend was about to scold me.

"Why do you ask? Did he tell you something by any chance?" Ominis shook his head: "No, but he's been acting peculiar ever since you two returned." I sighed and stayed quiet for a few seconds, unsure how to approach the issue.

"Well?" Ominis waited impatiently for my response, tapping his fingers on the chess board. "There was a bit of an incident", I spoke up in a silent tone, fiddling nervously with my thumbs. "So I've suspected." "And there was a troll", I continued. Ominis' eyes widened.

"A TROLL in Hogsmeade? No wonder he's so quiet, he must be in shock!" I shook my head, forgetting for a second that Ominis couldn't see that.

"I don't think the troll is the reason, Ominis. We defeated it. However, the troll was sent by a certain goblin and, from what I noticed, I think that must have quite triggered Sebastian." I stopped my explanation, not wanting to talk about the whole discussion we had.

I could see Ominis' eyes soften. In a way that said 'I should've known' or 'I understand what he's going through'. He rose from his seat . "I think I'd better check on Sebastian then. Make sure he feels better", he started, "Eve, try not to take his behavior personally."

I nodded. However, it did feel very personal.


A few days later I was summoned to professor Fig's office. Inside the locket that we found in the blue chamber in Gringott's, he had discovered an ancient-looking map of Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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