Chapter 7: Training

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"Bye Yor!" Yuri smiles bright as he waves an aggressive goodbye to his beloved sister, who simply smiles and closes the door after seeing him off. He had an immediate urge to run back and see his precious sister again, but he had to control himself because you had requested him to read your note once he's out.

Yuri heads to a dark corner to be out of sight and opens the note curiously. 'What did she want..?'

Uncle Yuri,

I know this may be surprising, but after witnessing everything that had happened, I realized it wouldn't be right to simply stay quiet. We must be prepared and vigilant to face the possible future. So, I am requesting you...

Yuri's eyes lowered to read the rest of the content, curiosity increasing by the second.

Please train me to be stronger!

Yuri's eyes widened in shock, and he immediately looked to the window of the apartment the Forgers live in, only to see you peeking out with a pleading face. Puppy eyes and all.

He didn't know whether to be surprised or to facepalm at your behavior, but he continued reading.

If you agree, let's meet at the nearby park every night from 10:00 to 12:00 to train. If you don't agree, I will still go there and train by myself.

Hoping you would agree,


Yuri didn't know what to think. You wanted him to train you? And you would still go out and do it if he refused?

'What the hell is she thinking?' he frowns, looking back at you. You were still peeking out of your bedroom window, waiting for his response.

But Yuri didn't want to agree. He didn't want to be the one to teach you about all the dark things in this world. He didn't want to be the one to teach you how to fight. He didn't want to be the one to take away your childhood.

Yet, he couldn't not agree. Because you already said you would train yourself anyway even if he didn't agree, and although he didn't know you too well yet, he didn't want to risk it in case you stuck to your word.

So, Yuri sighed tiredly, and nodded in your direction, to your immense delight. He quietly mouths the word "tomorrow", and you nod back, indicating you got it. He then leaves with a wave of hand.

Back in your room, you close the window shut quietly and were really glad that your Uncle agreed to mentor you. You were honestly super nervous that he would refuse, and were worried that you would somehow have to teach yourself, but thankfully he agreed.

With peace in mind and body, you lay on your bed to sleep, as you needed your energy for tomorrow.


The next day had gone by smoothly and it was finally night, the time you were waiting for eagerly. 

You waited till everyone in the house was asleep, and quietly snuck out of the house and headed to the nearby park, having already made sure that Loid was not at home. He seems to be having daily night missions these days, so he's rarely ever home at night. 

You felt really bad for him, but part of you also selfishly wished he would be out of the house every night just so you can go training. 

When you reach the park, you see your Uncle waiting for you in a swing. 

He was quietly swinging himself up and down while looking towards the ground. He seemed distracted. 


He looks up, startled by the sudden noise. 

"Are you alright?" you ask, with a small frown. He nods a yes as he gets up from the swing. 

"Ready to train?" he asks, to which you nod, still concerned about him.

 "Well, first of all..." Yuri begins, walking to the nearest slide. "You need to get hit by buses every month."

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