CAH Brozone 10

113 2 6

Wow, into double digits.

"Blank. Betcha can't have just one! Let's see what you got." John Dory says, placing the black card in the center of the table before leaning back in his chair and taking a long sip from his glass.

The other bros shuffled the card in their hands before each placing theirs down. They each had different reactions, whether it was giggling or shaking his head.

JD shuffled the cards before pulling them out one at a time to read them.

"Judge Judy. betcha can't have just one! If there was more than one of her, I think the world would implode. A sexy bouncer. Betcha can't have just one! Hm, true. An erection. Betcha can't have just one! If you have more than one erection, you need medical help. Bruce's massive peen. Betcha can't have just one! When I said 'let's see what you got' this isn't what I meant. I'm going with the sexy bouncer." John said, shaking his head.

Floyd happily snatched up the black card while Branch read the next one.

"When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate blank. What am I putting up a statue of?" Branch says, smiling softly.

"Hehe, erect." Clay whispered before giggling, kicking his feet under the table.

JD softly rolled his eyes as he slid his card over to Branch.

"Come on Clay be-" Floyd starts to say before also erupting into a fit of giggles, holding his card out for Branch to take.

"Wow, it's like you guys are twelve again. Dick jokes aren't that funny." Bruce says in mock anger as he hands Branch his card.

"You're right Bruce. They should really think long and hard about how they're behaving." John says, smiling behind his glass as he takes a sip.

Clay and Floyd start to laugh even harder, Floyd actually almost falling out of his chair.

Branch covers his mouth to hide his giggles, not really at the word but more at the way his brothers are acting.

Bruce sighs into his hand, so very done with his brothers in that moment. He really hates being the most sober one out of them sometimes.

"Ok, quiet down. When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate a picture of boobs. Can you guys stop fucking giggling?! Thank you! When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate Branch's jars of sweat. I know this is a jab at me but I probably would have done that. When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate advice from Grandma Rosiepuff. Seems about right. When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate twenty year old funder drawers. I will not! I'm going with jars of sweat." Branch said, shooting a soft glare at Floyd and Clay that are still giggling at 'a picture of boobs'.

"That was me." John Dory says, picking the card up off the table.

"No! John had like nine now." Clay said, looking at JD's small stack of black cards on the table.

"Eight." John Dory said.

"Nine!" Clay said firmly.

"Eight." JD repeated.

"Nine!" Clay shouted.

"Eight!" John said, holding up all his black cards for Clay to count.

Clay counted the cards before pouting and sticking his tongue out at John Dory.

"Oo, my turn. In the new Brozone Original movie, Floyd struggles with blank for the first time. Ah fuck. I don't like this card." Floyd said, pouting.

"Sucks to suck. If I had to deal with 'John drinks to forget blank' you can deal with this." JD said, handing his card to Floyd a little grumpy.

Clay snorted, nearly shooting his drink across the table as he remembered the cards that were played for that black card.

"Oh yeah 'A party, probably' was a pretty good card. Could have been used on something else but it was funny in that moment." Bruce said, sipping his drink while passing his card to Floyd.

Floyd rolled his eyes before taking Clay and Branch's cards.

"In the new Brozone Original movie, Floyd struggles with Clay's ugly face for the first time. It must have been after I opened my eyes because I have been struggling with that for a long time. In the new Brozone Original movie, Floyd struggles with a really cool hat for the first time. I actually did struggle with that once, wouldn't make for a very good movie though. In the new Brozone Original movie, Floyd struggles with sperm whales for the first time. Terrible, awful card. In the new Brozone Original movie, Floyd struggles with the Blood of Christ for the first time. How? I'm going with Clay's ugly face, it has truly been a struggle." Floyd said, making a solemn face.

"Fuck you!" Clay shouted, jumping up from his chair and pointing his finger towards Floyd.

"Calm down Clay." John said while giggling, gently pushing Clay back down by his shoulder.

Bruce slowly pulled the black card towards himself, hoping Clay wouldn't notice but he did.

"And fuck you too Bruce, for playing that card." Clay pouted, sulking down into his chair.

JD gently patted Clay's shoulder while trying not to laugh.

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