✨Chapter 1✨

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Authors POV

Sen Hara and her younger twin brother, Shoko Hara were walking in a dark forest after they had been abandoned by their abusive parents. It was around 11 at night when they had been abandoned.

Shoko found a big tree that could fit both siblings to hide and have shelter for the night, they got into the tree and Shoko somehow fell asleep while Sen was watching in case there were wolves or wild animals that would attack them. Sen slowly became consumed by the need for sleep.

The next morning came and Sen had been woken up from her slumber by her brother trying to wake her up. They didn't have a watch so they didn't know what time it was, so they started to get up and wander around the forest looking for a place to stay the next night and have food to cure their hunger.

The siblings soon came along a large waterfall and lake underneath the waterfall, and decided to take a bath in the beautiful lake.

Sen PoV

I took off my clothes only to see many scars from my parents, I was left in my bra and underwear and I looked over at Shoko to see him in his underpants. Shoko smiled at me, he doesn't really talk to people unless it's me, he's really shy until he gets comfortable around you.

We started getting in the lake, the water sending shivers down my spine. Looking at Shoko, he was shaking. I probably was too, we were always taking cold showers but this was way colder than any of our baths.

We played around in the water then I heard footsteps coming from the forest. There was a smiling girl. She had light blue hair and was only wearing a bra and shorts. My brother got behind me when he saw her. "You alright?" I whispered to Shoko, he nodded. I looked at the girl and she was staring at us like she had seen a ghost.

She came running up to the lake and jumped in and swam over to us, Shoko started shaking again but not at the coldness of the water but at the sudden intrusion by this blue haired girl. "Are you alright? You have scars and bruises all over your body!" She asked but she was yelling more than asking. I nodded, she sighed. "Well get out of this freezin' water, you'll get a cold." The random girl said. "Okay.." I said quickly getting out of the lake with Shoko still glued to my back hiding from this girl.

"Whose that? I didn't notice him behind you till now." She asked me pointing at my brother. "It's my brother.. Who are you?" I ask quietly. "I guess I didn't introduce myself, well I'm Fay! Fay Ito, nice to meet you" she smiled, reaching her hand out to shake hands with me. I stare at her hand not really knowing if I want to shake it.

"I'm Sen Hara, this is my brother Shoko Hara.." I said, eventually shaking her hand, "he's a bit shy at first but he'll warm up to people eventually.." I said looking back at the boy on my back and smiled the best I could to try and get him off me. He slowly got off my back and went to get his clothes in a hurry. I went to get my clothes also, I put them on and my brother came racing to my back again. "Sheesh Shoko, go say hi to Fay. She's the one who introduced herself first, you didn't even say anything"

He slowly got closer to the girl. He shook hands with her and got right behind me again almost tripping, gosh he's really clingy and clumsy around people.

Shoko PoV

Oh my god- I really shook hands with a really pretty girl! Ahh I'm so happy, I ran behind my sister and almost tripped over nothing because I was so nervous, she's so pretty. "So what are you doing in the forest? Moreover in a freezing cold lake in the middle of November?" Fay said, causing me to snap out of my trance. "We were kicked out of our house," Sen said, trailing off by the end. I frowned and remembered all the terrible things that had happened to us.

"Ohhh, so that's where you got all the scars and stuff" Fay concluded. "Yes," I said quietly. "Well, I'm looking for new friends to explore with.. Do y'all wanna come with me?" Fay said, smiling at us. I looked at Sen and she looked at me, I nodded and she nodded back at me. "I guess we have time" Sen said then Fay jumped in the air from excitement.

Welcome to my story, Golden Adventures. I have a question.. should I stop doing different perspectives and only do a certain character? I am also making this with a friend, she helped me with names and character analysis. I am very grateful that she could help me with this, she is very kind to do this for me! If you need help pronouncing the names I can do a short little A/N and try and find a way to pronounce them easier for you, I am also wondering..
Should I do longer chapters and longer updates or short chapters and shorter updates? I'm trying to get to 50-ish chapters. Thank you for reading, this was 800 words excluding this note.

*Whoever is reading this after I published it the first time, thank you so much for coming back!! I love you all and hope y'all enjoyed!*

Golden AdventuresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora