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1985, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Helloooo, Mikey, you there??" Nicole said, waving her hand in front of her best friends face.

He seemed to be zoning out as she was always used to of him, but something about him seemed different.

The summer holidays were over now and while she had spent all her time in Minneapolis, Michael had been in California with his family, enjoying a great time at the beach.

He had grown a lot and he wore his hair different now. It looked way better.

"Yes, yes , im there, its just..."he replied, sighing loudly as they made their way to the school bus.

"What?? Oh, i know. You dont wanna return to school. But me neither. Nobody wants it, okay? Its like...being dragged from a dream universe back into real world. But ur time as a surfer boy is now over, alright?!"Nicole told him, smirking and raising her eyebrow.

"Damn, i know ur right. But it just..."

Michal didnt finish the sentence, as he heard the sound of motorbikes passing by a nearby road.

Even though they were far away, Michael was still able to recognize them.

Prince and his friends were one of the main reasons Michael didnt want to return to school.

Michael still wasnt over it all.

And things seemed to be only getting worse now.

Nicole looked into the same direction, spotting the bikes that Michal was looking at.

"Ohhhhh.....Prince."she commented, laughing weirdly.

Michael frowned.

"Whats so funny?"

"Nothing. He just devoloped into some sort of outlaw didnt he? I mean, yeah, he had been weird before, but...since they got themselves them bikes by the end of last year..." she said, showing a one sided grin.

"Yeah. Basically. I dont know whats wrong in his head, seriously..."Michael found in a grumpy tone, his mood getting worse now.

"You wanna be friends with him again, dont you? People say you were like besties in elementary school..."

"So? Just because we were friends, doesnt mean i like him now. No, we are no friends anymore. Hes an asshole. All he does is looking for fights and trouble, but i wanna stay out of that, im not..."Michael explained defensive.

"I dont know, Mike, i think you gotta do something, BECAUSE, as i see it, he kinda started picking on you before the holidays started. Hes kinda wild. You gotta put him in place, or else..."Nicky told him.

"Im NOT SCARED of Prince, hes a damn midget, ok?! Its just..."

"What? Are you afraid of his gang? You think they gonna beat you up or something??"Nicole scoffed.

"Its not too funny ok?? They all started that karate shit and now they are really ruthless, i just dont wanna...get in trouble and be their punching bag! Even Prince, hes...ive seen him fight and its not a joke."Michael said angrily, his head getting read because he also felt kinda embaressed now.

Nicole stared at him as they got into the bus.

"So you ARE actually scared of him."

"Shut up. Im not."Michael replied grumpily, staring out of the window soon after.

The truth was, that Michael really felt uncomfortable about the current situation.

His only real friend was Nicole. A girl.

Because of this; the boys had started making fun of him more and more. The problem was that he felt no connection, he didnt like any of them. They were all rude and brutal and he just had other interests than them.

When the majority of them started to join karate classes, Michael had decided to just stay to his dancing lessons. Music and dance were the only things he had an interest in.

In his leisure time he was mostly working in his fathers shop or parenting his younger siblings, so he kinda got more and more isolated from the other guys activities after school.

His friendship with Prince seemed to be no more than a distant memory. They had drifted apart around the age of 12. Now they were 18.

The seldom times in which he and Prince were alone for a few moments, Michael had been ignored, his former best friend putting on a cold poker face, acting like he wasnt even existing.

And when they were amongst the others, Prince behaved all big mouthed and nasty, made mean comments and became more and more of a bully.

Michael knew that they were always looking for victims to provoke an arguement to have an excuse to beat them up ruthlessly. He himself had witnessed such scene one time, as he accidentally entered the toilet amid one of the gangs violence excesses.

They even got themselves a name now.


How pathetic was that?

It really was pathetic, but still, he was afraid of them now.

"Everythings gonna be alright. I bet you gonna get the girls drool over you now by the way you have improved your style. Maybe youll find yourself a girlfriend, finally."Nicole interrupted Michaels sinister thoughts.

Michael rolled his eyes, smirking a bit.

"Oh, you think? I dont know...they not into me. Im too soft. They all like the rude ones."he said cynically.

"Nooooo, dont think like that....youre cute. Youre way more handsome than the others. Id date you, if we werent...well, besties."she said in a comforting way.

"Its okay, i like lingering in your friendzone, girl. I love you."he answered, hugging her shortly.

A few minutes later, the bus arrived at the schools parking area.

Michael got out, putting on his sunglasses.
You are a cool dude now-you look good,-he told himself.

Surprisingly,he really noticed some of the girls checking him out ,obviously gossiping about his glow up.

His slight smirk disappeared when he saw the bikes of the Scorpions arriving nearby, taking away all of the girls gazes.

"Theres Prince..."they chuckled excited,seeming to be fascinated, as that short guy with the wild dark curls got off his motorbike.

Staring at Prince in a sinister way, Michaels gaze was suddenly reciprocated.

Princes piercing eyes focused on him all hostile and devious.

Nicky had been right.
This was about to become a problem.

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