3) Special

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/Fang's Pov/

What a bad day for babysitting to Janet's crazy sister. This hyperactive brat's energy is never ends. She jumps and runs everywhere, she's even energetic then me! Anyways, finally she got tired and we sat on a bench at the park. I bought us ice cream, however, i think ice cream was a bad idea for a toddler. It fulled Bonnie's energy and she started to run to the park the second she finished her ice cream. Huff, finally i can rest. I dont really get on well with children but i couldnt reject Janet, she said she had rehearsal for her performance. I leaned my back and watched Bonnie not letting other kids slide.
After some time, i got a text from Janet.

"Lets meet in Barley's, Colette is coming too! Drinks are on you!! ✨✨"

Colette? Oh yeah, that fangirl. I wonder how that emo is doing. I mean, i didnt seen him since the last time i go to the Gift Shop.

I catch Bonnie when she was jumping from the slide, she was almost falling. I wonder how this brat is still alive!

-At the Bar-

I walked in with Bonnie on my back. I saw Janet waving at me, Colette was there too. Wait a minute, is that black haired guy..?
Shii, that's Edgar!
I approached to them with a smile.

F: "Hey guys, how is it going?"

Bonnie jumped off and started to wander around.

J: "Dont break something!"

I chuckled. Colette and Janet was talking about her next performance. I was listening to them and chatting but Edgar was not giving attention at all. He was in his phone again.

C: "I really wonder your dress for the show!"

J: "Actually im really undecided between two dresses"

C: "Can i help you to choose it?!"

J: "Omg sureee!!!"

I was preparing drinks while they were talking.

J: "Hey Fang, we should go. Colette will help me to choose my outfit!"

F: "Ah, come on!

J: "I promise i will give you free front row ticket!!"

F: "Pff okay!"

J: "Catch ya later!!"

Pff girls... Why cant you wear any dress on the show? Does that really matters?

I noticed Edgar's eyes were on me while i was busy with preparing drinks. Im kinda surprised to see him looking at something besides his phone. I smiled at him. He was looking around the counter, the decoration and stuff. There's nothing special about it but i think it got his attention.

E: "so,, are you happy...being a bartender? it looks laborious."

F: "It kinda is but, every job has it own difficulties right?"

I smiled, then it get silent again. The awkward silence was getting weirder. I didnt know what to say, because when i talk to him i feel like im talking with a wall. He is just standing there without saying anything, he doesnt even react!

/Edgar's Pov/

while I couldn't even figure out why I was here, now I was left alone with this idiot. ugh, boring!! actually he is kinda fun to chat but i dont know how to start a conversation. so i just asked a stupid question. then we both get quiet again.
we drank some drinks he prepared. it was my first time trying something new except cheap beer. it was kinda good ngl. Colette and Janet are not going to come back any time soon ig.

F: "Hey, i know a place. Its really nice at night, wanna go?"

huh, why did he suddenly wanted to leave here? am i that boring? i wonder what is he planning but i dont have anything better to do, so...

i was following him while he was leading the way. he took us to somewhere in town i havent seen yet.  he walked to a desolate building. we went to the roof. wow, it actually has a nice view, i can see the whole town from up here. its kinda cold but this place is really comfortable. empty and quiet.

Fang was sitting on the ground, i sat next to him. i put on my headphones. Fang took off one of my headphone.

F: "What are you listening to?"

E: "i- i dont think you would like it-"

he put on the headphone.

F: "hm..."

he leaned his back to the wall and watched the sky. i also looked up, the stars are look amazing from here.
we stayed like this for a while, we both were just enjoying the view and the song. i think he's not that bad, at least he didnt make fun of the songs and really knows about the nice place to rest.
our arms were touching each other time by time but i tried not to do anything would look weird so i kept my distance.

/Fang's Pov/

i took someone to my special place for the first time. and he let me listen to song with him. his music taste is not something unexpected, it has a voice makes my ears ring but the guitar solos are fire af. he's a cool guy, even tho his weird style. its fun and comfortable to be around him even we dont do anything. i could sit here with him like this forever.

we walked for some hours in town. we chatted about some random stuff, he's actually very funny but its really hard to get on under his actual personality. he doesnt trust everyone and only be himself around someone he get use to slowly.

i left him to his house. he turned his back before going home. he took a deep breath, i think he is going to say something. but then a voice interrupted him.


Colette was running towards us. I think she is coming from Janet's.

F: "Hey"

C: "Where were you guys?"

F: "Oh i, we were just hanging-"

i saw Edgar walking to his house, he didnt even said anything! We talked with Colette for some minutes, then we said goodnight and i walked away.
This guy...he is really weird and unusual, but i want to see him again any time soon. I wish we can meet and do this every night.

guys im so sorry for not posting for days im really ran out of ideas. i'll try to post some another chapters this week. i hope you like it!! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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