𝑬very 𝑺ummertime

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Baby, I'd give up anything to travel inside your mind━━ 'Cause, I fall in love again come every summertime!

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Baby, I'd give up anything to travel inside your mind━━ 'Cause, I fall in love again come every summertime!

Baby, I'd give up anything to travel inside your mind━━ 'Cause, I fall in love again come every summertime!

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FOR ALL THE HEART-WRENCHING, agonizing, painful songs that the band is known for lead bassist and founder of Ace of Hearts, Dorothea Panganiban loves love

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FOR ALL THE HEART-WRENCHING, agonizing, painful songs that the band is known for lead bassist and founder of Ace of Hearts, Dorothea Panganiban loves love.

A proud hopeless romantic at heart!

It is hard not to be when she is a child of hopeless romantics. Her parents who would slow dance to their favourite records every Sunday morning; her father who adds to her mother's hoard of despite his complaints; her mother who bought home a cat that he father was wishing for despite being allergic it is safe to say that Dottie grew up surrounded by so much love. She fell asleep to was the love story of her still very much in love (Like disgustingly so) parents. Their story is romantic star-crossed lovers who defied the odds of class differences and parental disproval because her father's unwavering efforts and her mother's sheer stubbornness.

And for the longest time, love to Dottie is a well-loved; worn pink box that contains all her parent's love the hundreds of handwritten letters; her mother's pressed flowers from her father; the songs dedicated to her father. And she would read through all of them every night wondering if she'll meet the one and experience a great love like her parents.

𝑬very 𝑺ummertime ━ Lando NorrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora