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     Hana shifted her hair flippantly.  She was obsessed with Kuroo Tetsurou.  (Y/N) had to wonder if it was because Kuroo was just barely outside of her reach.  Minus being hot, which (Y/N) could agree with, Kuroo was far from her type.
     Hana liked dumb, pretty people like her.  Kuroo, despite being quite pretty, was far from dumb.  (Y/N) and he were in different grades, so she wasn't positive, but she had heard it passed around that he had the best scores in chemistry.  He was pretty amazing at every other subject, too.  Then again, it honestly took the dumb ones for Hana to get a date.  (Y/N) didn't want to be rude, but it was true.
     She had also started attempting to play volleyball.  Of course, tennis came first for her, so she didn't join the girl's club.  Still, Hana went to lessons on her off time.  (Y/N) had joined her once, and she wasn't great.  (Y/N) encouraged her, but Hana's volleyball skills would probably progress as slow as (Y/N)'s handwriting.  She wasn't going to get Kuroo Tetsurou any time soon through volleyball with what she had.
     "He's looking at me," Hana giggled.  She twirled a piece of her hair around her finger before standing up.  (Y/N) wondered how she ever got dates when she blatantly ignored people and blew them off any time they showed interest in her.
     With a light sigh, (Y/N) quickly packed her things and stood to follow her to wherever she was going.  Hana had unfortunately started treating (Y/N) somewhat like a puppy.  Considering the (Y/N) was always lost thinking and wondering and could never stay on track with basically anything, she didn't use a lot of brainpower to navigate the school and decide where she wanted to go.  That usually left her following Hana wherever she decided would be good.
     Really, (Y/N) liked that bench.  The wind was blocked by the school building and a nearby apartment so that she could eat her food without eating her hair, too.  Not to mention, a lot of the boys clubs sat around the area and as little as she liked to admit it, the eye-candy on a bad day was pretty nice.
     (Y/N) followed Hana back up to the classroom where they finished the tiny bit left of their lunches.  Hana was probably also annoyed at eating her bleached-blonde hair.  (Y/N) couldn't imagine it tasted good.
     (Y/N) probably would have stayed down there if it wasn't for the boy at the crosswalk that morning.  She really didn't want to run into him again, he looked right about her age.  While it was unlikely that anyone from her neighborhood decided to go all the way to Nekoma instead of the other science school right next door, it was possible.  At least if she ran into him with Hana around, Hana was a distraction if nothing else.

     Class was boring and slow, and yet, (Y/N)'s spacing only brought her to the real world a couple of times.  Her history teacher had basically given up on even attempting to get her attention.  Her last two classes of the day were English and Japanese Literature, but since she could never read or write properly, she left to the top floor where she took what was essentially elementary school classes.  She didn't mind.  At least it was easier.
     Not to mention, they were always watching her actions in these classes.  Everything she did that seemed abnormal was documented and sent to the doctor that was trying to figure out what neurological disorder she had.  While she didn't care much for getting a label or diagnosis or whatever they chose to call it, her mother had said that they could try to do homeschooling once they knew what was up.  Home was the only time she ever felt safe and motivated enough to focus and learn.  All of her grades rode purely on her homework, which was always perfect.
     The dismissing bell rang, but (Y/N) didn't move.  She didn't clean with the rest of the students.  She'd usually end up getting distracted and overwhelmed, making more of a mess, and leaving both that and her original job for someone else.  They gave up in middle school.

     "It's really not fair that you don't have to clean," Hana says, a disgusted expression pulling her face as she wiped a wet finger down (Y/N)'s arm.  It made her flinch.  "Why do you get privileges?"  (Y/N) looks forward, ignoring her friend.
     Hana claimed she understood why people had neurological disorders (though she mainly called them 'diseases' much to (Y/N)'s dismay.)  (Y/N) wasn't sure she really understood though, because she seemed to think they were a sort of mix between a heroin addiction and a really bad flu.  Then again, Hana really wasn't that bright.  Thanks to this, (Y/N) had never told her she was in Nekoma's Special Needs program.
     "Well, I mean, you always get a variety of people to do yours for you.  It's just a different type of privilege," (Y/N) says.  She honestly would rather be mopping a hallway or wiping down a locker than writing.  Writing always gave her a terrible feeling.  Sometimes, she thought a group of aliens wanted to read all her writing to assess if they should steal her brain or not, so she usually tried to write stupid stuff because then they would leave her alive.  It was why she could never write down stuff related to classes.
     "I guess," Hana says with a huff.  "I wish we were in the 3rd ward.  I bet Kuroo looks good while cleaning," she says in a dreamy voice.  (Y/N) only shrug.

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