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Imagine Almond Cookie lying in his crib up at Eggnog Cookies home, he stirs awake while tangled in his blankets, tears in his eyes from the restless dream he had, poor thing was so tired from his work and wanted nothing but to get proper rest. Almond started to whimper and then full on cry from how exhausted the poor cookie was, this could be heard by his loving caregiver, Eggnog, as he entered the cozy and semi festive nursery and walked over to the crib. He looked down at his dear baby and lowered the gate before lightly brushing Almonds shoulder, gaining his attention. The little cookie looked up to his caregiver and sniffled, glad to see a familiar face.

" Aww what's the matter little one? Tired?" Eggnog asks as he then received a nod from the tiny cookie. " Well now, lets try to remedy that shall we?" The jolly cookie says while lifting up the weepy cookie into his arms, cradling him and holding him close.

Eggnog could hear the small bundle still whimper and sniffle, he hugs Almond close as he walks around the nursery bouncing him as he went. The spice haired cookie then checked Almonds diaper to see if he needed to be changed, and noted that it was dry, Almond sniffled and nuzzled his face into Eggnogs neck and clung on more. Eggnog smiled and patted his babies back and smiled, making his way out of the nursery and walked to his personal kitchen.

The jolly cookie started to take out the needed ingredients for something that would help sooth and relax his little one, as he did this he fixed Almond into a sling so he could work as he held his baby close. After sometime of stirring and adding ingredients to a warm pot of milk, Eggnog let the mixture cool and poured it into a glass baby bottle. Almonds tummy let out a gurgle causing him to whine and nuzzle more into Eggnogs chest.

"Heh hungry kiddo? Don't worry, your bottle's just about ready"

Eggnog finished putting the bottle together and made his way back to the nursery, where he walked over and sat in a plush and cozy rocking chair next to a dimply lit lamp. Almond rubbed his teary eyes as he looked to his daddy, and noticed the he was holding a warm bottle of milk, he tilted his head and mumbled while trying to reach out for it. Eggnog chuckled and proceeded to feed his dear little one the bottle, with Almond suckling contently and cooing in response.

The jolly cookie gently rocked the baby cookie as he fed him the bottle, wearing a soft smile and sleepy eyes, just happy to see his little one settling down from earlier. Almond is just as happy as he drank the warm milk, with his eyes closed he could feel himself actually start to settle down and possibly get a good nights rest. Soon Almond finished his bottle and let out a cute hiccup after his back was patted, he was held close by Eggnog and let out a long and adorable yawn, one that made him rub his eyes and suck his thumb. The jolly old soul awed at this and hugged him close as he placed a kiss on Almonds forehead, and began to sing a soothing lullaby.

Almond was out in seconds after the song began, leading to Eggnog chuckling. Eggnog then carefully got up and brought his sleeping bundle back to the crib, and laid him down, covering him in his favorite blanket and making sure his stuffies were right next to him. Eggnog then popped a dark brown pacifier with a reindeer on it into Almonds mouth, where he contently suckled upon receiving it, making Eggnog smile more. He kissed Almonds head once more before wishing him a good night, raising the cribs gate, and tip toeing out the nursery.

Almond and Eggnog: Ok so get thisWhere stories live. Discover now