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Clotted Cream Cookie swiftly returned to his guest quarters after the rather.. "exciting" meeting with the ancients regarding their soul jams and the subject of White Lily, there he leaned on his door and let out a long sigh and rubbed his face, feeling his eyes sting from some tears forming. He walked over to his bed and collapsed onto it, burying his face into the pillows before a stream of tears were let loose, while very good at showing a very composed front for the most part, the stress this time was too great for him to handle as he proceeded to let out whimpers and sobs now that he was alone.

Not long after this, Financier Cookie was making her way back to the consuls quarters to check up on him due to everyones hasty retreat. She knocked on the door but received no answer, she listened in closely and could hear muffled cries from inside. She slowly made her way into the room and saw Clotted Cream Cookie still on the bed with his face hidden and lightly shaking, the knight sighed and gained a sympathetic expression before making her way over to the politician. Financier Cookie sat on the side of the bed next to Clotted Cream and started to rub his arm to let him know he wasn't alone.

" There there, little one.. everything will be ok, you're safe now..." The knight gently said to the distraught cookie, slowly gaining said cookies attention. " I know what happened before was scary but no one can get you here... let's get you into some more comfortable clothing hm?"

Financier Cookie then helped Clotted Cream Cookie up and to the side of the bed, where she helped him out of his stuffy suit and such. As Clotted Cream was laying down, Financier checked the little cookies diaper and changed it straight away, and helped him into a light blue onesie.

"There we go, feeling a bit better?" Financier Cookie asked and received a meek nod from the small cookie, with them folding their legs in a criss cross position. " Thats good, is there anything you would like?"

Clotted Cream looked up at Financier with tired eyes and just said with a quiet tone " m-maybe a b-bottle?... with m-milk?.."

" Very well, I'll be as quick as I can.." The knight said with a small smile before pulling Clotted Cream into a gentle but tight hug, and kissing him on the forehead, making the baby cookie meekly smile.

Right as the door to the room was shut, Clotted Cream Cookie let out another sigh and looked around, not sure what to do for the time being, though after he let out a yawn he then decided to crawl under the covers and blanket to try and get comfy. His eye lids started to feel rather heavy and soon felt them shut, with what felt like seconds they slowly opened to see Financier Cookie gently waking him, with a warm babies bottle of milk in her left hand.

"Hello; little one, did you have a nice cat nap?" She asked as Clotted Cream responded with a cute yawn and rubbed his still sleepy eyes. " Aww.. well I've got your bottle right here"

Financier Cookie shuffled onto the bed where the pillows were and Clotted Cream Cookie laid his head in her lap, still feeling rather tired from earlier and quite small. She helped the baby cookie get comfortable and then presented the warm bottle, and warmly smiled as Clotted Cream take to the bottle quickly. The tiny cookie nuzzled more into the knights lap and abdomen as he drank, feeling his mind and body relax, all snuggled up in a cozy bed while drinking a comforting drink, and with someone who is there to keep him safe no matter what. Clotted Cream pawed at the bottle while drinking and started to feel sleepy yet again, though thankfully in a much better mindset than from earlier.

The knight noticed that the bottle was now empty and proceeded to help the tiny cookie up and pat his back, resulting in Clotted Cream hiccuping cutely. Financier helped him back into bed and got up to fetch a few things from their luggage, such as a yellow teddy bear with a blue bow and a light green pacifier. There she gave the bear to Clotted Cream who happily took and hugged it tightly, and suckled contently on the paci after it was popped into his mouth. The knight then went to the windows and closed the curtains, and made sure all lights were out save for one that was dim enough for a tiny speck of light to be seen. Financier then fished out one last item from the luggage, which was a gilded music box, she placed it on the night table next to Clotted Cream and opened it, where it began to play a lovely melody, causing the tiny cookie to fall into a peaceful slumber for the night.

" Sweet dreams little one, I'll be right here with you in the morning.." Financier said as she placed a kiss on Clotted Cream Cookies head once again, and took her place guarding the room, content with how everything fell into place after the events from earlier.

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