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Purple Yam Cookie always believed he was a very tough cookie and could handle anything that would come his way, until he ran into Milk Cookie, who showed him that he really doesn't HAVE to do things all on his own and how he can seek out help. This was especially apparent when the purple haired cookie began regressing, and he felt himself relying on Milk more as a result. The healer never minded this and was more than happy to look after the small cookie, and all of this seemed to only cause the twos relationship and trust to grow more and more. Whenever Yam was tiny the two were always together, though there were times when the warrior had to been on his own during these times...

It was a particularly stormy night with heavy rain batting at the window, Yam was currently wearing a dark blue footie onesie while in his fairy light lit tent with his pet, Fire Starter, and his trusty stuffie, Boris. Milk was still at work during all this at the local hospital, and had been gone for sometime. The storm wasn't bothering Yam too much, but his thoughts were.

("Ugh... damnit! where is he?") Yam thought as he peeked out from his tent and looked to the rain soaked window right above his crib.

The purple haired cookie wished Milk would return soon in hopes of distracting him from the nasty thoughts that were plaguing his mind at this point in time, memories of the past and reoccurring flashes. After a particularly loud clap of thunder making him and Fire Starter jump, he swore again and decided staying up wasn't an option. He crawled out from his tent and climbed into his soft and cozy crib after draping a breathable comforter over it to try and block out the sound of the thunder and brightness of the lightning, and closed the gate once inside.

Yam lied down and tried to get comfortable while pulling the blanket up to his chin, his pacifier was clipped to his onesie but he couldn't find the motivation to use it due to mentally being preoccupied. He held Boris close and Fire Starter nuzzled next to his cheek, making him smile a bit for the moment. After a bit of tossing and turning, Yam was finally able to doze off.. though this lead to a fit full slumber...

The front door to the guild later opened as Milk Cookie rushed inside to get away from the rain and shut it just as fast, finally home from work. He set his things down and called to Yam, wondering if he was still awake by this time.

" Hmm... I guess he went to bed" Milk murmured to himself as he walked through the main hall of the guild, soon entering the duos private living quarters and took a seat on the nearby couch. Before long he could hear faint sounds in the distance, cupping his ears he could hear it was coming from upstairs.

" Yam?..." -Milk then got up and climbed the stairs to the second floor to hear the odd sounds growing louder, sounding as if the purple haired cookie was struggling in some way. The white haired cookie walked down the short hallway and slowly opened the nursery door, seeing Yams figure toss and turn in the crib. Assuming the worst; Milk sped walked over and gently opened the cribs side to get a better look at the smaller cookie, seeing said cookie with tears in his eyes and appearing to have a nightmare from how he was mumbling and jittering.

" Yam sweetie wake up... " -He softly said as he gently shook the trembling cookie, but to no avail. Yam continued to toss in his sleep with tears still streaming, it wasn't until Milk called out Yams name once more that the purple haired cookie cried out and shot up out of his slumber. Purple Yam Cookie was wide eyed and shaking as he looked all around him, with his hands and arms close to his chest and tears still running, he looked to Milk finally greatly confused.

" W-What? M-Milk? when d-did you..." -The purple haired cookie mumbled while trying to catch his breath-

" Oh Yam I'm glad you're awake..." - Milk said happily as he held his arms out to let Yam shuffle into them- " I take you had another nightmare?.."

All Yam could do was nod as he nuzzled into the crook of his daddies neck and try to stop his tears. Milk hugged his little baby close and sighed, already being able to tell it was another nasty nightmare. He turned with Fire Starter following close and brushed past the purple haired cookies rear to see if he needed changing, the diaper felt a little soft so Milk made his way over with the distraught baby. The white haired cookie laid the regressed cookie down on the changing table and popped the connected pacifier into Yams mouth, in return he began to suckle and look up at Milk with teary eyes.

"Don't worry angel, everything is going to be ok now, dadas right here" - Milk said while stroking Yams hair and placing a kiss on his forehead, before walking back over to the crib to grab Boris.

Fire Starter chirped at the little cookie and nuzzled up cheek to cheek again, making yam smile a bit. Milk handed the stuffed donkey to Yam who hugged it tightly before undoing the baby cookies onesie from the bottom, it didn't take long for Yam to be cleaned and put in a new diaper and when he was, his onesie was buttoned back up and he was scooped up into Milks arms. The purple haired cookie meekly smiled and nuzzled into his daddies chest as he was carried out and down to the kitchen, where the two were greeted by Milk Angel and the white haired cookie began to heat up some milk for his baby, said baby was placed on the nearby couch in the living room as to not get hurt from the flames.

It wasn't long until Milk returned with a babies bottle filled warm milk and helped his little one to lie on his lap, Yam was then presented the bottle and he took to it in seconds. Milk held Yam close as he watched and helped feed the little cookie, who contently suckled and by this point was feeling alot calmer, the two pets were nuzzled next to eachother on the couch as they watched the peaceful scene in front of them. Purple Yam Cookie snuggled in his papas arms as he drank, just ever so happy he wasn't alone anymore after having yet another awful nightmare on this stormy night, he hiccuped a bit which made Milk aw and coo at his baby. After the last drop of milk was drank, Yam let out a squeaky yawn and started to suck his thumb, Milk awed more watching this held the tired baby up and gave him a pat on the back, making him hiccup and sigh.

"There we go, my angel, ready to go back to bed now?" Milk asked and received a nod from the very sleepy cookie, the white haired cookie then slowly got up placing the babies bottle on the coffee table to fetch later and started to head back upstairs, with the two pets following. The four entered the nursery and Milk made his way over to the still open crib and lied Yam inside, as he was about to close the gate however, Yam stopped him and looked up at the white haired cookie.

"u-um... d-dada? could y-you stay?..." The purple haired cookie mumbled.

" Heheh, of course I can, dear, I'll stay here as long as you need me too" Milk said while wearing a loving smile and stroking Yams head, causing said cookie to smile and paw at his caregivers hand, making Milk chuckle.

Milk kissed Yams forehead before making his way over to the recliner thats by the changing table and pulling it over and setting it right up against the cribs side, where he is looking right at Yam. Milk Angel and Fire Starter settled in the crib right next to Yams head and the white haired cookie settled into the chair and looked to the little cookie, smiling while taking hold of Yams hand, and began to sing to his baby. The lullaby caused Purple Yam Cookies eyes to flutter and soon fully close as he suckled on his pacifier, softly snoring while hugging Boris a bit in his sleep, but he still held onto Milks hand regardless. Milk smiled at this beautiful sight and leaned back in the chair, starting to feel his eyes grow droopy, he yawned and soon fell asleep sitting next to his dear baby.

The storm from before soon ceased and a lovely blanket of stars filled the nightsky and the moon illuminated earthbread below, the light of moon shined through the nurseries window and highlighted the peaceful scene of Milk and Purple Yam Cookie holding hands, always there for one another in any shape or form.

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