im worried about you

Start from the beginning

"okay thank you for telling me baby. if you can't get her to eat today before the show you need to tell tree okay?" he said.

"ok dad. i miss you!" i said.

"i miss you too baby i'll see you soon okay?" he said.

"okay bye dad!" i said and i hung up the call.

i continued to watch the rehearsals and soon it was time to go backstage so mom could get ready. as mom was getting ready i sat on the couch in her room.

"mom do you want anything to eat i was gonna go grab a snack?" i said

"no i'm okay" she said.


"y/n im fine!" she snapped.

"okay..." i said silently and left the room.

as i was getting my snack i spotted tree.

"tree! can you come over here?" i asked.

"yeah what's up?" she said.

"um i need to tell you something. but it's kinda private... it's about mom.." i said. tree nodded and she led me into an empty dressing room.

"what did you need to tell me?" she asked.

"well i guess i need to ask you something first..." i said. and tree nodded.

"has mom like struggled with anything in the past?" i asked.

"like what?" tree asked.

"um eating?" i said. tree let out a sigh.

"y/n you know i'm not allowed to tell you about that.." she said.

"i know i'm just worried because mom has been avoiding food a lot lately. i told dad about it earlier today and he said if she refused food before the show that i would have to tell you. and she did. and i'm just really worried. i don't want anything to happen to her.." i said trying not to cry.

"hey y/n it's okay. don't cry. thank you for telling me this though. i'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me this." she said.

"but what are we supposed to do she goes on in like 10 minutes she's probably already at the stage!" i said. tears started to stream out my eyes now.

"hey it's ok. we'll figure something out. i promise everything is going to be okay" tree said as she wiped my tears and brought me in for a hug. she helped calm me down and then we made our way out to the tent.

taylors pov.

i'm about to head on stage for my first show in milan for this tour. i'm pretty excited but i'm also nervous. i'm always nervous before shows though.

"okay taylor i'm gonna take you to the lift" one of the crew members said. i nodded and followed him under the stage.

i stood on the lift waiting for it to take me up. soon i'm uncovered and i start singing. as i'm singing i'm noticing how weak i feel. it's pretty hot and i already feel like i'm going to throw up and i'm not even through the lover set yet.

after i finished the archer i was running under the stage when all of a sudden everything just went black and i felt myself fall to the ground.

your pov.

the transition for lover to fearless came on and i could tell that something wasn't right with my mom. she looked very pale and super skinny. i knew that wasn't normal and i think tree saw the difference too because she let out a sigh when mom came on stage. as the transition was ending the lights came on which was unusual because they stay off for the show and only come back on after the show.

"due to some circumstances the show has to be postponed until later. we will update you when we received further updates" was heard from the speakers. what the fuck is going on.

i turn to tree and i see her talking to someone.

"y/n was gotta go come with me." she said.

"what's going on?" i asked.

"it's your mom" she said. my heart dropped. i knew something was wrong.

when we reached backstage i saw mom sitting on the floor with a trash bag by her.

"what happened?" tree asked the stage crew.

"she was running to a quick change and she just passed out. we don't know the reason for this yet but when she gained consciousness she said she was nauseous so the bag is just there for caution" he said.

i looked over at my mom and she looked out of it. being up close to her you could see the bags around her eyes and just how fragile she looked.

"um can i talk to my mom? alone?" i asked. they nodded and gave me some space with my mom.

"mom?" i said. she turned her head to look at me.

"mom what happened? please just say something. you're scaring me" i said with tears coming out my eyes. she just stared at the ground

"mom i know why this happened. you need to eat please. i don't know what's going on but you need to eat. you're going to make yourself sick!" i said.
then her eyes rolled back and she passed out again.

"TREE! HELP!" i screamed.

"what happened?!" she said running over.

"she passed out again something's wrong with her!" i said.

the medics came rushing over to my mom and checked her out.

"do you guys know what could've caused this?" one of the medics asked. tree looked at me.

"um she hasn't been eating. she's been refusing it. i've been trying to get her to eat but she's just making excuses as to why she can't eat" i said.

"okay i understand" the medic said. soon mom s sat back up again.

taylors pov

as i regained consciousness again i was surrounded by a lot of people including my daughter. she looked scared. i just hope she didn't tell anyone about my eating.

"mrs kelce ? when was the last time you ate?" the medic asked.

"i-i um yesterday?" i said but it came back out as a question.

"she's lying!" i heard y/n say.

"y/n what the hell?!" i said back.

"mom i'm sorry but i can't just keep this to myself. you're hurting yourself!" she said.

"y/n please! just go somewhere else!" i said.

she got up and left and tree followed her. the guilt immediately sat in. what am i doing?!

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