breaking down

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y/n is taylor lautner's in this story. travis is taylor's bf in this one they are not married.

y/n age: 13

tw//: sh


i don't know what's wrong with me i feel like i've just been feeling off lately. i guess i could just say it's my mental health but at the same time i'm not sure. i feel like i haven't been as social as i usually am. i've turned down hanging out with my friends, hanging out with my mom, and going to travis' games. i feel bad but i just don't know what to do about it.

i feel like it's me though. i feel like im the problem. my mom and travis are very popular people. and me. i'm just me. there's nothing special about me. i feel like everytime i'm with them i'm like some sort of burden to them. it also doesn't help with the amount of paparazzi. i actually hate paparazzi they make my life a living hell. sometime i wish i wasn't 'famous' i just want to be normal. i can't really go out with my friends without my picture being taken. i'm pretty tall for my age im about 5'7 right now. a 5'7 13 year old girl is pretty tall, so im very insecure about my height. i mean my mom is pretty tall so it makes sense i guess.

today was saturday and im pretty sure travis has a game today. do i want to go? no. not really. here i am laying in my bed which i have not left other than going to the bathroom and getting food which i just bring back to my bed. then i hear a knock on my door.

"come in" i said.

"hey baby" my mom said

"hey mom" i said with a sigh

"you okay?" she asked

"yeah i'm just i don't know" i said.

"what can i do to help baby?" she asked

"i don't know i really just want to sleep." i said

"that's fine. travis already left for the game but im about to head out so i was just letting you know" she said

"okay mom. tell travis i said good luck." i said

"alright baby get some sleep" she with a smile as she left my room


it was now a couple hours later and i had just woken up. i don't know why but i had this uneasy feeling about myself. i don't really know how to explain it. i was scaring myself so much that i ended up crying.

why did my life have to be like this. why does everyone in the world have to know what's going on with me. i don't want to be followed. i want to live a private life. i just want to shut the world out. i want to be normal. i don't want to have emotional pain. i want to be okay. i thought to myself.

i felt myself start to go into a panic attack. i've had these before but my mom was usually there to help me through it. right now i was home alone. i ran into my bathroom and sat on the floor. i grabbed my phone out my pocket and dialed my moms number. she didn't answer.

this panic attack was coming on quickly. i needed to relieve myself. i looked around the bathroom for something that would make me feel something. my eyes landed on the razor in my shower. i quickly got up and grabbed it out my shower and removed the blade from the razor. i held the blade in my shaky hands while tears ran down my face. i held the blade to my wrist a slashed my wrist. what have i done?

soon crimson red flooded my wrist. had i gone to deep. that shit hurt like hell. i scrambled around the bathroom to look for something to compress my wrist. then the door opened. i had forgot to lock it and there stood travis. he saw my bloody wrist and the bloody blade that was on the floor.

i quickly turned my gaze over to him. he stood there his eyes wide.

"y/n.." he said.

"travis. please. don't tell my mom" i said as i started sobbing.

i heard another pair of feet coming closer. it was my mom.

"hey what's go-" my mom said as she looked into the bathroom. her breath got stuck in her throat. she looked at me and then the blade on the floor. she pushed past travis and grabbed me into her embrace.

"i'm sorry mommy" i said as i sobbed

"shh shh it's okay baby" she cooed. "trav can you grab the first aid kit please" she said. travis nodded and went to go grab it.

"m-mo" i tried to say through hiccups.

"shh baby breathe you're okay. it's gonna be okay" my mom said as she held me tight. i was still sobbing in her chest. my mom was holding a cool rag on my cut.

"here's the first aid. i'll give you guys some time alone" travis said as he walked out.

"lemme see your wrist baby" my mom said. i shook my head.

"come on y/n let me see" she said softly and she wiped the tears off my face.

"i'm scared." i said. my mom furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "you're going to judge me. that's what they always do." i say.

"baby i would never EVER judge you. okay? you are my daughter. in fact you are my one and only daughter and i hate to see you hurting. please show me your wrist baby." she said. i hesitantly showed her my wrist.

she carefully cleaned it and bandaged it. she held me until i was able to tell her what was wrong. she soothed me and told me everything would be alright. but there was a part of me that was doubtful of that.

ideas for tokyo pt 2? ————————->

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