Chapter Three

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Felix is terrified of Riley.

As soon as she began to talk about her messy life and quantum mechanics background, he couldn't help but think of Lucy. It isn't that Riley looks anything like Lucy–Lucy is luxe where Riley is boho, Lucy has sprawling curls where Riley has haphazardly chopped and dyed hair, but the way Felix feels when Riley talks is the same way he felt when he met Lucy, and that is enough to be afraid of.

He doesn't want to keep repeating his mistakes, getting involved with women who aren't ready to settle down, women who don't know what they want. He needs someone who creates their own gravity, and he isn't sure yet if Riley can stand on her own. But at the same time, he's had to stop himself from tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, or grinning too much, or telling her how beautiful she is.

Riley is dangerous, but he can't seem to unhitch himself from her glow. So, when she agrees to leave the diner together and continue this night, his heart hammers in his chest and his pie bubbles in his stomach. He gets the tab and Maggie sneaks him a wink before they leave the diner.

"She seems great," Maggie whispers just loud enough for only him to hear. Riley waits for him by the door, an expectant look on her face. Taking in her bright, intelligent eyes, he realises that he's absolutely doomed, isn't he?

He rushes to follow her outside, worried she'll become bored with him if he doesn't keep her entertained. The sunset casts a warm, pink-tangerine glow through the fluffy clouds, and the gentle chorus of car engines and basketball bounces settles over them. As Felix leads her toward the arcade, he wants so badly to reach out to grab her hand, but he stops himself.

When they turn the corner, he does something he would usually never, ever do, and wraps his hands over her eyes. She giggles, and it sends chills up his spine. "Felix, what are you doing?"

"Guess which one is mine," he says, dropping his hands.

He watches her face as she studies the street before them. She looks over the bookshop, and the Italian restaurant, and the closed pharmacy, and then her gaze reaches the sign for the Galaxy Arcade. Her eyes widen with excitement, and she lets out a small gasp as she looks back at him.

"No way," she says.


True to his word, Skyll locked up once the kids were done playing, so the arcade is empty and dark. Felix fishes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. The silence is a bit unnerving at first, but he flicks the switch, and suddenly, the arcade roars to life, with all the sounds and lights that come with it.

Riley rushes around the room, inspecting each of the old machines like an excited child. "I can't believe this, man! This is so cool! I used to love playing in the arcade when I was a kid," she gushes.

"Were you any good?" he asks her with a raised eyebrow. It's more of a dare than a question, and she laughs confidently in response.

"Just try to beat me," she brags.

He uses his special token to start up a game of Streetfighter, and they play. She chooses Chun-Li, and he plays as Zangief. He's surprised to find she's actually pretty good, and though he knows the combinations for the game by heart, there are a few times she legitimately has him sweating. He debates whether or not to let her win, and ultimately decides to end in a draw.

"See? I'm no one to fuck around with," Riley says with a proud smile when the last round is over.

"Well, to be fair, the Spinning Bird Kick is legendary," he replies.

She runs a hand through her hair and looks around, as though she's just realising exactly where they are. The multi-coloured lights cast her face in soft blues and pinks. "It must be so cool to work in a place like this," she says. "Do you... own it?" The question is tentative, like she's worried about offending him just by asking it.

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