Before them : Part 1

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As we all know the life is not that what we are thinking or usually imagining life like fairy tales or fantasy world's. It is the life that we can't used to or want to in our whole life.Like that always a person seeks for enjoyment or fun for their doings.But in this world God gaves us the purpose of living the life by such few reasons like choosing in between good and bad ,living a life that we desire or may be not or sometimes just for the fun.I don't know why but at first thinking this seems to me as a very stupid thought or like that cause I can't understand why it is likely to happen or think like that? I don't what's wrong with me that I can't keep quitting that thoughts from my own mind.This is an very confusing part of me as I always that why I am being unique from all the others one.But trust me guys if you thought like that in atleast once in your life than you sure believe that you are the one that realizes something different from the others that you are not same as your bench mates.You are very different from them.But the whole world is likely to be think about you in a very strange or bad way. I am Kelly and this is my strange story.[and for sure if you are looking for such a great kind of story like fiction,romance or romance something then you are not suitable for this type of story.This story is going to be an out of box]


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