Sure Has Been Some Week, Hasn't it?

Start from the beginning


"House arrest is so boring!" Sirius laid outstretched on the tattered sofa in the living room of Grimmauld Place.

Carina looked up from the book she was reading nearby and rolled her eyes at her brother's childish behavior. "You could read a book."

Sirius gave her an offend look. "I'm not that desperate."

"I swear you act like a child sometimes," Carina sighed, putting down her book. "That reminds me, have you received any post lately from Claire or Harry?"

Sirius shook his head. "Not since the last one. Why?"

"I just have a bad feeling something's happened." Carina admitted.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"The Aurors have already checked up on me today. Wonder who it could be." Sirius said.

Carina went to answer the door. When she opened, she was met with a familiar face.

"Remus? What are you doing here?" Carina smiled warmly at her friend. "Not that I'm not happy you're here. C'mon in."

"Didn't Sirius tell you about the letter I sent?" Remus questioned, stepping into the house.

Carina looked at her brother who wore an apologetic expression. "What letter?"

"Well, I sent you two a letter to see if I could stay here for a while." Remus said. "There's some job openings nearby here."

"Of course, Remus! You're always welcome here." Carina replied. "Here let me get your bags for you."

Carina pulled out her wand and waved them at the bags. "Wingardium Leviosa."

The bags floated off the ground, up the staircase, and disappeared into one of the guest rooms.

"I heard about the Doctor taking over Professor Binns's class for the year." Remus said, when she was done putting away his bags.

"Yeah, Dumbledore asked him if he wouldn't mind. He seemed really excited. Claire sent a letter telling me she was surprised to see her father at the school. I think it'll be good for the Doctor to spend time with her. Not to mention with everything going on between the World Cup and Pettigrew's escape, we agreed that he can watch over our daughter." Carina replied.

"That's understandable." Remus said, taking a seat in one of the armchairs.

"Remus! Moony! Buddy ol' pal!" Sirius greeted, patting him on the shoulder. "How are you? What's the world out beyond the wooden door like?"

Remus raised an eyebrow at his best friend's odd behavior.

"House arrest." Carina said simply. "Sirius gets antsy when he's cooped up in the house. He's more of an outdoor dog."

Sirius glared at his sister. "That was a poor excuse for a joke, Howl."

"Better than the 'Sirius jokes', Padfoot." Carina said.

Sirius gasped in mock shock. "I'll have you know that joke is my best material."

Carina laughed. "You're kidding me, right?"

"I'm Sirius." Sirius said in a serious tone. It was Carina's turn to glare at her twin. Sirius ignored her and continued speaking. "Besides, if you think the 'Sirius jokes' are bad jokes then what about those Animagus jokes, huh? What does that make them?"

Carina and Sirius began to fight over which jokes were the worst.

Remus rolled his eyes at the twins. He remembered them always getting into little fights over the stupidest things during their Hogwarts years. Remus sighed and grabbed the newspaper off the table in front of the armchair. He rolled it and walked over to the twins hitting them both upside the head earning an 'Ow!' from both of them. This was the only way to shut them up when they argued. Both of them glared at Remus.

Harry Potter and Claire Smith's Adventures: Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now