Teaser/Author's notes

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(Editor came in and patched it up because they were bored, yippee!)

He ran through the streets, panting, out of breath.. needing to stop. He didn't though. He kept running, being pushed by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Due to what just happened to him, with his arm mangled and bleeding profusely, he struggled to hoist himself over the fencing of the national park he stumbled upon. He dropped pretty hard onto the ground, unable to do much to break his fall with his broken arm. Yet he still stood, and continued running. His jet black fur doing well to camouflage him from anyone who might be in the ranger towers this stormy night.

He ran, and ran, and continued on until he went through something that felt strange. It was almost like a spider web. However now, he saw a factory-like building in the distance. What was a factory doing inside of a park like this? Nonetheless, he began making his way towards the entrance of the building, hoping to find someone there who could help him before he suddenly felt the ground begin to give out from underneath him. He fell into somewhere. He tried to get up and stand but he was lightheaded so, he only fell back down. His vision was fading and his ears were ringing. He barely heard the running footsteps approaching his location. He tried to at least lift his head up to see the people coming towards him, but had no success. He simply closed his eyes and accepted whatever came next.

He felt his body be lifted up. Someone tried calling to him, but his consciousness was fading fast. At least they didn't have him anymore, he thought. They couldn't hurt him. He was okay with letting himself rest now that he wasn't in that place anymore. He fell asleep, not knowing just how long it would be for.










He heard the beeping of a heart monitor, and the barely audible chatter of a few doctors within the room. He could feel an oxygen mask that was placed over his snout, and he could also feel the IV line in his arm. He couldn't feel the pain from his right arm though. In fact, he couldn't feel his arm at all. Where did it go? He sat up suddenly, taking the mask off by force and coughing a little as he inhaled the more sterile air within the infirmary room. He finally opened his eyes and raised his arm to see what had happened, only to find.. Metal.

His arm was a prosthetic now. He tilted the arm around, a confused expression plastered on his face before he looked up from his arm to the doctor's that had all now approached him. The oldest looking of them piped up, asking a simple question, "Who are you?" This made him pause for a moment, looking back down to his arm then back up at the doctor who asked the question.

He finally put his arm down in his lap and spoke. His voice was hoarse from how long he had spent unconscious. "I don't know," He sadly responded.


Hello all! I should tell you this is more of a draft for outline ideas I one-offed at like, 7 AM before I went to bed, so it's not perfect, and that's sort of why it's just a teaser or a test.

I wanted to be able to see how people took to my writing style, as well as my stories, so feel free to leave any feedback in the comments, and to gauge more response and get a better idea for where I want to go, I'll be working on chapter 1 very soon! Hopefully this doesn't just turn into a floater, like many other stories I tried to write did ^^'

PS: My brain whenever I want to actually write or draw anything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_3jdM27Tvw&t

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 24 ⏰

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