24.Are we claiming Sweetheart?

Start from the beginning

"Hope Queen is happy " He asked and she looked back at him with her full-blown smile and nodded and he moved ahead after adject her properly in his arms.

"As much as I remember you have tied it with my curtain" She said and he could feel a slight taunt in her tone for the last few words

" Wait ! You walked away to untie this " Sheasked in a surprised tone and He nodded looking at her

"Nice catch Mrs.Ranawat" He said and She chuckled at him still looking at the closed door handle then looked back at him who signed her to open the door and she opened it slightly

"Now let's do our Grah- gr- Grahpravesh " He struggled but finally accomplished making her giggled but she suppressed it when He gave her side eyes

"What if I don't want to come back " She asked in a teasing tone , controlling her smile when he was about to put his first step inside

"Not possible , You have to come back Home Mrs.Ranawat, You are undeniably mine for this lifetime " He replied back looking down at her who just smiled with a chuckle shaking her head

" Baaki , 6 janam ka main dekh lungi . ab achaliye " She instantly said and He nodded and get inside the room , with her in his arms

Her wide smile instantly dropped and lips parted but mind was not able to adjust with the situation looking at her room which has become a complete mess as if some storm has passed by it few hours back when she was not here .

He slowly faced her who was still looking at the mess created by him as Sir was searching for his wife like a mad person .He hoped her hormones don't kick up anytime or she will not hesitate to kick him

"My room is looking like if some thief was looking for some hidden treasure so desperately that He literally destroyed it without a care " She whispered but then narrowed her eyes and snapped back at him who was looking straight only , avoiding her stares

" Did you do this ?" She asked and He silently put her on the bed which was too messed up badly

"I was searching for you " He reasoned looking at her who was sitting on bed with folded hands and He was standing in front of her

"Seriously Ekaksh , blanket ke andar aur flower pot bhi " She said looking at the broken flower pot and the blanket lying on the floor

"Ok , I will just say someone to clear it , you fresh up" He said started to ascend towards the door and horror filled her face

"It's ok Ekaksh ! It's completely ok , I will take care of it " She rushed towards him to stop him

" Isha be careful , there is a glass piece here " He warned when she was about to step on it , He instantly pulled her beside him and glared at her who looked away and scooted beside him more

"Why the hell were you running here ?" He said and gently picked her in his arms walking towards her bed , and made her sat on it

"Ab bolo bhi " He exclaimed and She roamed her eyes in her room to find at least one reason to keep him beside her , Hell she knows she is sounding greedy but his presence is what needs and wants the most now . Her eyes stopped at the small drawer beside her bed and a big smile smile formed on her lips

" How could I forget this ?" She said , lightly slapping her head and walked towards the drawer while he gaze followed her there

"I have a gift for you " She happily expressed and turned around , holding a small box wrapped in a blue wrapper . He walked towards her and stood near her . She forwarded the gift with a small warm smile .

" And Why am I getting a gift ?" He asked with folded hands , first gazing at her smiling face then the small box she is holding

"You lended me books for the seminar. Remember ? , That helped me a lot and to Shivji grace my team won it " She explained

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