Chapter Three: No More Big Meals

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Chapter Three.

Rose stomach growled in the corner. She didn't know what to do. If she ate anything she would be serverly punished, but how would her father know. She bite her lips thinking, and got an idea, she took out her phone and order DoorDash food.

She figured her parents wouldn't know, she quickly grabbed the food outside before the neighbors saw her and she close the door. She started to eat the food at the table without making a mess and started eating.

She sigh happily, there was no way her parents would know she had food unless the doorman blabbed to her parents. Her parents have spies everywhere apparently but she didn't believe that.

Rose didn't understand why she had to move a lot she knows her parents are going broke and probably couldn't afford it, so maybe that's why they're taking their anger out on her. But her memories were slowly coming back with each beating her parents have given her, but she hasn't said a word to them to either them, worried that they might hit her for remembering because maybe she wasn't supposed to remember at all. She knows her real name is Rosalinda but she didn't remember her last name, she knows her mother had abandoned her a lot so Jimmy took her in and that's how they became a family.

Maybe she doesn't remember much of her childhood because she doesn't want to remember because of the trauma she experienced. Either way she rather have a mother who abandoned her, than a parents who constantly beats her and apologize for it.

She didn't understand why her parents suddenly hated her, their lives were so perfect then something happened and her dad was losing money. They had to move and everything started to change. She remembers changing homes and schools a lot growing up. They now live in Florida apartment building which she is surprised her parents can still afford.

I guess when they moved people started asking questions about who she was because people say they looked nothing alike. When people started speculating that's when her parents started moving. She didn't have many friends because anytime she make one they always move because other parents would question things to her parents, and some questions they did not have answers for.

Rose's POV
After I I finished my lunch, I grabbed a towel and went out the apartment building and went to the garbage room area to throw out the trash so my parents wouldn't know I was eating. I went back into the room and cleaned up. I checked the time, and my mom was going to be home any minute, so I made it look like I haven't moved from my spot when she came home.
End of POV

Karen: have you been good
Rose: yes ma'am
Karen: did you eat
Rose: no ma'am
Karen: good, now scram, get out of my kitchen and get into your pjs. I'm having friends over

Rose: yes ma'am

Rose got up and went past her mom not before receiving a smack on her butt and that got her running out of the room.

Rose immediately took a shower wincing anytime the water made contact with her bruises. She cleaned herself up, brushed her teeth and put on her night gown. She sat on her bed and got under her blanket and relax when she felt comfortable in her own bed.

She woke up not remembering falling asleep after her stomach growled and got up, she looked over at the time and noticed it was 10 at night. She sigh and got up from under the covers still wincing from the soreness she was feeling before slowly getting up and out of bed.

She slowly walked out of her room, and seen her mother and her friends pasted out on the couch, she tip toe and started making her way to the kitchen and Karen noticed and said.

Karen: Rose... is that you
Rose: uh... yes mama
Karen: what are you doing out of your bedroom?
Rose: uh... you didn't tell me I couldn't leave it
Karen: your right I didn't, what do you want?
Rose: I'm hungry
Karen: no go to bed, your still on punishment no food
Rose: but-
Karen: if I have to get up, so help me god. You're going to get it

Rose didn't move, so when Karen got up she went to run to her room but Karen got to her before she did and pulled her back into the room as she started struggling against her.

Rose: no please I'm sorry, ahh!

Rose squeak as her mother, put her foot on the coffee table and grabbed her daughter and pulled up over her knees not before pulling her night gown up and started swatted her butt over her bare hands.

Apparently Rose didn't wear underwear when she goes to bed, and she soon regrets not expecting the spanking from her mother.

Karen: You're going to be sorry you naughty little girl

The smacks echo the room waking up her friends as they watch Rose being spanked like a naughty girl and Rose felt embarrassed.

Karen: look at the you woke up my friends. Now they can watch you get punished like a naughty girl you're

Karen friends were strippers so they didn't mind watching. Tears spilled Rose eyes as she was being dangled in the air over her mom one knee staring ahead at them as each smack came down on her now sore bottom. Her cheeks were blushing as she kicked her legs as each spank went across her bare bottom and she was so embarrassed that she regretted coming out of her room now.

Karen got tired of Rose wiggling and moved over to the leg of the couch and put Rose on there and got on her back facing her butt so she wouldn't fidget and continue smacking her butt as her friends watch her bottom turned red and Rose was flushing from embarrassment.

Karen: you can't squirm anymore now can you. Don't you dare put your hand back *proceed with the rest of the punishment*
Karen Friend 1: oh wow her bottom is pink
Karen Friend 2: that must really hurt
Karen: *says with each spank* it should, it's a punishment for her to learn. You going to be a good girl
Rose: *crying* yes ma'am
Karen: you're going to do as you're told
Rose: yes ma'am

Karen gets off her.

Karen: go on get

Karen pats Rose's butt to get up her gown fell back onto her butt and Karen grabs her chin and makes her look at her.

Karen: and don't even think about going to the kitchen for food until tomorrow morning
Rose: yes ma'am

Karen let's go and Rose walked away ashamed and headed back to her room.
She sigh when she entered and got to dresser and rubbed some oil where it hurt her the most. She wish she had a friend that can massage her back for her. Rose stomach growled again, she thought about breaking into her piggy bank to use the money to go to the store but she was saving that money she had from her grandparents and everything from her allowance that she saved up to escape. She could not wait one more day right? It wasn't hard I mean the Chinese food she had for lunch should have tied her over for the rest of the night.

Ever since the no meal, she was only allowed to eat one meal a day at home. So she had to pick a meal to eat and she was only allow to eat dinner. So for school her parents had refused to give her money for lunch. She had to show no signs of being hungry not to show so her teacher wouldn't get suspicious to why she was always hungry.

Prequel: The Story of Rose: Keeping It In The FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now