Chp 2

35 1 2

Draco's Pov:

After classes ended, everyone headed back to their common rooms and started working on schoolwork and essays.

Blaise and I settled down in the middle of the Slytherin common room and focused on the assignments that we still had from our classes.

It didn't go unnoticed that Pansy was nowhere to be seen.

Every once in a while, we would ask a random girl Slytherin to go up to her dorm and knock on her door to see if she was there.

So far, no luck.

After the two of us wrapped up our homework, we checked the time and headed down to the Great Hall for patrol.

I stood at the foot of the teacher's platform as Granger gave instructions to the prefects, trying to ignore the occasional glare from some of the other students around us.

"As a request from McGonagall," Granger announced, stopping for a moment to glance at me. "We are patrolling with members of different Houses."

A groan of protest erupted from the small crown in front of us. Mostly from the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

It seemed like each house was missing a prefect.

I stepped forward and cleared my throat, silencing the room. "There are reasons for this and I was asked by the Headmaster himself to remind you that Granger is the most qualified and unbiased."

I could feel her eyes on me but continued anyway, "So, if she has something to say, I suggest you listen. Otherwise, you'll have to suffer the consequences that I did."

Their eyes watched me and waited for something else to be said.

"Right," the Head Girl stepped forward. "Any questions?"

The two of us laughed as we passed a few paintings on our way to the main staircase.

It was hard for me not to smile when I heard her laugh or saw her being happy. Even if it was influenced by the Veela part of me, there was something ... beautiful about it. About her.

The feelings that erupted in my chest were unlike anything I had ever felt before and I was quickly growing addicted to it.

Blaise's words echoed in the back of my mind, but I didn't care.

How couldn't these feelings somehow be real? 

If there was even the smallest chance that she felt the same way back, wouldn't it be worth the risk?

I decided to let time be the judge, and in the meantime, my focus and time would be spent on the sparkle in her eyes and the almost flawless way she moved around in this magical world of ours.

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