Putting The Blame On Everyone

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Around 2:00 pm that afternoon, dj started to hear a commotion coming from the living room after he'd got done with his keyboard. The pups started arguing with each other and fighting over chew toys.

"That's my chew toy!" Dawkins grumbled as he started fighting with Deepak with a chew toy.

"Dylan said we can't play with any chew toys because we're all grounded for breaking his space helmet." Deepak said as they tugged on the chew toy like a game of tug of war.

"I bet it was Da Vinici." Dimitri 1 replied.

"Don't put the blame on me." Da Vinici said in anger as she started fighting with her brother and things got way out of hand.

Dizzy and DeeDee glared at DJ for a few minutes.

"What?" DJ asked nervously.

"See, what happens when you start to blame everyone for your big mistake DJ?" Dizzy asked as every pup stopped fighting and they all looked shocked.

"Nice going DJ, you got us all grounded." Deepak said in anger as the pups nodded in agreement.

"Now, because of you and your stupid mistakes and lies! Dylan won't let me dig holes around the house ever again!" Diesel said in anger as the dirty pup couldn't stand of not being able to dig anymore.

Da Vinici ears were down in sadness, but she was also angry at the same time. "He won't let me paint anything again for a month, but he knows that painting and creativity is my hobby!" She said in anger as the pups heard their tomboy big sister Dolly came inside of the house.

"What up, pups? Big sister in the house!" Dolly said excitedly as the pups came up to her and started talking all at the same time, she didn't know what was going on? She started to calm them down. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down pups. What's going on?"

"DJ just got us all grounded today and all because he lied to Dylan and put the blame on us!" Deepak said as the pups glared at the music pup.

"What did DJ lie to Dylan about?" Dolly asked.

"DJ told Dylan that we broke his space helmet, but he didn't believe us and grounded all of us for a month!" Dawkins said in anger.

Dolly looked over at DJ and spoke up to her little brother in a calmer tone in her voice.

"DJ, is this true? Be honest." Dolly said gently.

"Yeah." DJ replied.

Dylan came into the living room and sees the pups not in their rooms, he started to get serious about this.

"You all should be in your rooms and I don't want to hear any excuses from neither one you right now." Dylan said in a serious tone.

"Awwwwww." They've whined.

The pups walked upstairs to their rooms, Dolly just didn't say anything about the situation.

"Hey dj, just to say this I'm really glad that you told me everything and I'm very proud of you." Dylan said gently with a smile.

DJ had a sheepish smile. "Thanks Dylan."

Dylan smiled at him and went in the backyard to get some fresh air, leaving Dolly and DJ in the house by themselves.

"DJ, you gotta tell Dylan the truth sooner or later." Dolly said gently as dj sighed and the tomboy dalmatian figured that he was never gonna tell him the truth. "You're not gonna tell him?"

"I can't." DJ replied.

Dolly sighed and spoke. "I know that you're scared of telling him, but you can't lie about it and put the blame on everyone else." She said gently.

Delilah and Doug came inside the house after a long day of work today. They started to wonder where are the rest of the pups.

"Dolly, where are the rest of pups?" Delilah asked in concerned as Dolly looked over at her little brother dj, he was begging her not to tell their parents that the pups were actually grounded.

"The pups are upstairs sleeping peacefully. It's best not to bother them while they're sleeping." Dolly said.

"Okay then, I'll be fixing dinner for tonight." Delilah said as she went into the kitchen and Doug decided to help her out.

DJ sighed in relief and spoke to his big sister.

"Thanks Dolly." He replied.

"Just promise me that you'll tell Dylan the truth." Dolly said in a serious tone.

"I promise." DJ said.

Dolly patted him on the head, she left to go wash up for dinner and DJ sighed sadly, feeling guilty about his brothers and sisters getting grounded for a month.

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