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A few months later

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A few months later...

"Lindsey Hayes, daughter of infamous lawyer and girlfriend of lead singer of Soundcircus announced as a permanent addition to the band."

"Lindsey Hayes announced in a recent interview that she is permanently joining Alex and the band as lead female vocals. Since then, she and the band have released multiple top-ranking songs and their fan base has almost doubled in size."

Ever since Alex has come back, the band and I have finally come together. They've regained their success and I've fulfilled my dream.

Cameras flash and there's shouts and screams from every direction. Interviewers take Alex's attention and I move away to give people pictures to take. I pose, smiling and waving. I move for whoever's next as an interviewer comes up to me.

"Hi, Lindsey, I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind." She smiles kindly at me.

"No, of course." I smile back, pushing my hair over my shoulder.

"So, we've all heard about you joining the band Soundcircus." I nod. "And you also grew up with them."

"I did." I nod. "Yeah. I was there when they were still making music out of Alex's garage."

"Did you know that they would become so famous?"

"Uh, I did. Yeah. I...always knew that one day they'd make it. That they'd become the next top band."

"And how'd you know that they would?"

"In high school, they had our entire school enamored by them. If they managed to wrap our school, which actually was a pretty big school, around their fingers, I knew eventually it'd be the world." I smile, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Thank you, for your time." She smiles at me.

"Of course, of course."

"And your dress. Your dress is absolutely amazing." She looks down at the beautiful red, satin, sleeveless gown I'm wearing.

"Thank you!" I smile, looking down at my dress as well. I feel a hand on my lower back, turning to find Alex standing there.

"Alex, what is it like working with Lindsey?" The reporter turns to Alex as he rubs a soothing hand over my hip.

"It can be challenging sometimes, but it's fun all the same. She knows her limits and she helps a lot with the lyrics and the beat, much like she did years ago." Alex replies fluently.

"And we also heard that you two have a child, is this true?" People have been suspecting it for a bit, but I'm not ready to bring her to light yet.

"I'm really sorry to cut this short, but we really need to head inside now." Alex says, guiding us inside. We pose for a few pictures together, then we're heading inside.

We're called up to the stage and I quickly discard the skirt of my dress. I knew this was coming, so I made sure to have an outfit to wear while performing. Now my dress falls to my mid thigh. Alex takes off his jacket and we hurry onto stage, taking our places.

There's screaming, the stage dark and concealing. I hear the music start and the screams grow louder.

Alex sings his part, moving from his position while I'm still frozen. The first chorus comes up and I jump in, finally moving from my position and walking toward the front of the stage to the crowd.

For weeks, Alex and I have been working on this song. We've been wanting to do a duet, an official duet, for the longest time.

There have been times when we've stayed up all night to work on it and I've been caught writing lyrics instead of working. If it weren't for Naomi, right now I'd be toast.

"Give her a break. She's happy and multitasking. Better than I can say for anybody else in this company." She had told him, to which he rolled his eyes at. "But if Alex hurts you again, the next thing he's losing is his balls." She also made sure to add, and when I passed it on to Alex, needless to say, he looked terrified and like the thought of it hurt.

Delilah has really gotten used to Alex being around. He loves playing with her and riling her up right before bed, much to my dismay. The two of them together love picking on me, Alex especially.

Although, we've had to move her to homeschool due to paparazzi. It's why people are suspecting we have a child. Alex went to get Del and paparazzi followed. But she still has Zeke, so that's something.

His mom managed to land a job at Cyber Tech, so she's been bringing him to work with her and taking to the daycare room Rhys made. It really was a good idea, especially with his employees who have had to take days off because they couldn't find sitters.

My life is the best I can get right now, and I'm totally fine with it. Sure there are bad days, but I survive them just like everyone else.

The high note of the second chorus rolls around and I lean back some, enabling me to use my diaphragm and project. I hit the high note perfectly and we dive back into the lyrics, our voices creating the perfect harmony.

Our fans love it, screaming and cheering us on. They sing along with us the best they can, but this is an unreleased song. They've only heard the snippets we've posted on social media.

As the song comes to an end, Alex and I walk to each other, singing. We share a mic as the final cords, the final lyrics approach. I finish with one last high note and then the song cuts.

I face the crowd, sweating and breathing heavily with the mic in the air. The crowd cheers and I find myself smiling.

This. This is what I've always dreamed of. This is what I've wanted for as long as I can remember.

The sound of the crowd screaming my name. The exhilarating feeling of being on stage, of singing. And being with Alex. Happy, in love, with a family of my own.

It's everything I could've dreamed of and more.

The crowd's shouts turn into screams of excitement and I stare confused. Why'd they get louder? I turn to Alex, ready to ask him, but I find him on one knee, a ring in hand.

My hand flies to my mouth and I drop down, crouching. Is he really asking me this?

Alex brings a mic to his lips. "Lindsey, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

A sob slips past my lips, but it's not pain. No, it's joy.

I walk to him, pulling him up and nodding my head. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." I find myself letting out a watery laugh.

He smiles, pushing the ring onto my finger. He brushes my tears away and kisses me, the crowd going wild. The pyrotechnics are set off, fire sparking and exploding from the sparklers.

This is what I always dreamt of. And now I finally have it all, and it couldn't be better.

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