"Really?" Harry asked. "He seemed to be genuine when he offered us this...." He pulled out a muggle pen from his pocket.

Vienna's eyes widened and she lunged herself at the boy, snatching the pen from his hand.

"Woah, hey! What are you doing?" Ron shouted, stepping back just in time for the pen to fully explode over Vienna. Ink splattered over her face and clothes, staining them a deep shade of navy. She blinked the liquid out of her eye furiously, clenching her jaw as she felt it drip down her forehead.

"That's what I'm doing." She seethed. "If you see Cardan tell him I'm looking for him. And if you don't, then mercy on him I guess. I'm going to kill him." She turned around and began her journey to the Gryffindor dorms, leaving behind a speechless Harry and Ron behind.

"Thanks!" She heard Ron say as she continued her way down the corridor.

She broke into a run, pushing past people and shoving them to the side to get to the bathroom as fast as she could.

── •✧• ──

The rest of the day passed slowly, nothing happening to lift Vienna's spirits. Her left cheek was stained a light blue and it looked like she had gotten into a sever e fist fight and was sporting a bruise. She had gotten quite a few stares over dinner, but whenever someone's gaze lasted a little bit too long for her liking, she would counter back with a glare. It always worked. They would look away in embarrassment, avoiding eye contact with the fiery brunette.

In the common room, she was sprawled over one of the sofas, watching flames lazily flicker in the fireplace. Joyful chatter around her flowed in through one in and escaped through the next, the only thing on her mind being her brother. He never apologised for the exploding pen when Vienna had cornered him earlier, saying that she shouldn't have gotten involved. She scoffed and told him that she'll continue to get involved for as long as he's harming other students. He ended up laughing in her face.

"Thankyou for saving me earlier." Said a voice, breaking her from her spiralling thoughts. She looked up to see Harry Potter, a nervous look on his face. Ron was stood behind him, hands intertwined behind his back.

"It's nothing." Vienna responded, sitting up to let the two boys sit down.


"You're amazing, you know that, right?" Ron asked, a bright smile on his face. "Everyone always talks about Cardan but I think you're so badass–"

"Thanks, Ron."

"Speaking of your brother." Said a new voice. Hermione walked up next to Vienna, her hands on her hips. "He's scaring other first years with the ghost stories again."

Vienna rolled her eyes and scoffed, wondering what she had done in a past life to have to put up with Cardan in this one. "Pass me that." She said, motioning towards the thick encyclopaedia on the coffee table. Hermione reached out for it and passed it to her.

Vienna studied the book for a second before shaking her head and turning around in her seat. She locked eyes on her brother, who was talking to a few of her fellow first years who looked scared shitless. She narrowed her eyes and stretched her arm out, aiming straight for her brother's back.

The book soared through the air, almost hitting several other heads in the process. It hit Cardan on the back with a loud thud, a light yelp escaping past his lips as the air got knocked out from his lungs. He turned around with a confused look, morphing into annoyance when he noticed who threw the book at him. He turned back to the first years and told them something, causing them to run off.

"Double badass." Said Ron. Vienna sent him a smirk, cracking her knuckles as she sat back down. She scooted over so Hermione could also sit down.

"About that... if the rumours really are true, then we only have a few days left until someone disappears."

"The rumours are true, Hermione." Said Ron. "Where else would these students disappear to? Who would willingly leave Hogwarts? I mean– look at the free buffet's we get every day at dinner!"

"You're doing it again, Ron. Talking about food."

"Sorry, Harry." Replied the ginger sheepishly. "I'm just saying."

Vienna bit her lip, staring back into the flames of the fire.

"I'm going to go to the library and look into this more." Said Hermione. A determined expression crossed her face. "I'm going to do it. Figure the mystery out."

"It's only been happening for the last ten years. I doubt there'll be books on it. It's recent."

"Nonsense!" The girl spluttered. She turned to Vienna, the three noticing that she had been quiet. "Vienna? What do you think?"

"I think that......" started the brunette. "We should do what Hermione said but in a different way."

Harry, Ron and Hermione all turned to her, waiting for her to elaborate.

"We spread the message to all the first years to never split off from large groups, we tell everyone to carry weapons, and figure out what the hell has been going on. I don't care if it won't work. I'll die trying if I have to." She stood up from the sofa and made a beeline for the dormitory stairs.

"Wise words." Nodded Ron, earning a nudge from Harry.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at them. "Do you know anything about Clara Cooper? The Hufflepuff girl who disappeared last year?"

Ron shook his head. "Nothing other than the fact she was Hufflepuff. Cardan might know, though. He's like the master genie on this topic."

── •✧• ──

Short chapter!! The next one will have more action

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