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4.Getting up early the next morning, Dj prepares to visit Mr. Gale's legal office, Fuck!! It's nearly nine. Dj grabs the vehicle keys and walks to his sports car, ready to face whatever comes his way today. Thirty minutes later, Dj arrives at Mr. Gale's office and sits in his car, attempting to appear unconcerned by the death of his father. Finally, Dj unlocks his vehicle door and walks out, headed for Mr. Gale's office to complete the papers that Mr. Gale had informed him about yesterday.

5.Good morning, I am here to see Mr. Gale, replied Dj to the young woman working at the front desk. Oh yea, you are Mr. Wray?Dj noded,. Come along this way the young woman said, Following behind the young lady, she stops in front of a office door knock, knock. Hey, Mr. Gale. Mr. Wray has arrived, said the lady. Thank you, Miss Jane, you may send him in. In you go Mr. Wray, said the young girl as she closed the office door behind DJ. Good morning, Mr. Gale. Said DJ, Good morning, Mr. Wray. Glad you could make it this morning; will we begin? Mr. Gale hands DJ a bunch of papers to sign. Finally, Mr. Gale stands and extends his hand to the DJ; it is my joy to carry out Mr. Senior Wray's desires. Yeah, thank you, Mr. Gale. Dj stands firmly shaking Mr. Gale's hand.

6.Dj walks to his car outside the law office, and just as he opens the door, he receives a text message from his bank informing him that a huge quantity of money, property titles and his father's enterprises has been granted and validated. Holy Christ, I am fucking rich!. Dj said laughing loudly in his automobile. Reaching a quiet neighborhood Dj pull out his phone and dialed a succession of numbers, saying, "Hey bruh, I'm pulling up outside your crib," to Jordan, who had invited Dj and Cj to his crib to hangout, chat, relax and drink some beers.

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