Shroom's (Linny Anderson) Lore

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Linny Mae Anderson was born on a lovely Saturday afternoon on June 19th, 1997. She was born a half-blood in a human world, her parents decided to keep her delicate self, safe. She had a lovely mother (Aurora, murdered at 45), father (Adam, died at 39)), three sisters (Dannie, 30 (a twin), Jade, 30 (a twin), Stella, 33), and one brother (Gabe). Although some of her siblings weren't living with their parents, (cause they older than her-..) she had a great life overall. Until one day when she was five, her father was driving her to school for her first day. They ended up getting into a car crash and her dad ends up dying in the car.

    This is when her obsession for fire started, when she saw the car catch on fire she thought the flame was pretty. She survived with minor scars that she grew up with to remind her about the incident. She lived the rest of her life with her mother, she was happy she still had her mother but she always blamed herself for her father's death.

When she was in school she would get bullied cause of her feline-like features, and her different colored eyes. She would always be called ugly, a freak, or a monster. Her and her mom had to move around a lot because of it and it was always stressful for them. One day she met some other kids just like her they were named Marley Parker, Melody Rose, Jasmine Williams. They were bullied the same way she was because of their differences from others, later they all became best friends and always hung out together.

Since that day Linny, Marley, Melody, and Jasmine would always "protect" any other kid and befriend any kid that was bullied just like them. The names of the other kids that they "protected" were Makari Davis, Harper Jones, Maria Brooks, Lyra Carter, Quinn Garcia, Alice Carson, Layla Colson, Mateo Colson, Silas Miller, Jamie Miller, Nicholas Harris.

They soon met a kid that always wanted to be a girl instead of a boy; Millie Johns. She would get bullied way worse then Linny and her friends. Linny always believed that you can be whoever you wanted to be and she always supported Millie's choice.

The thing is when Linny was 4 she met a new friend while she was in the woods. She met a demon that was kicked from hell; JJ. Linny became friends with JJ and they've been friends since then. One day Linny's cat named GingerCake died because it had a sickness, she cried everyday. JJ didn't like seeing her friend sad so she taught Linny how to turn dead animals into stuffed animals or dolls. She now carries GingerCake everywhere with her as if to remember her.

When she got a little older she was told from her sister, Stella, that she had other siblings; Gabe, Jade, & Dannie. She was told by both her mom and Stella that Jade and Dannie were twins and that Gabe was married to a woman named Olivia, Linny was so excited to see them when she was older.

When she got older she got her first boyfriend named Jack, at first it was perfect but Jack got more violent with Linny. She would always go to Marley's house with scars, bruises, or burns and she was always starving. It always made Marley and the others worried about her and her life at Jack's house so they had Harper go and keep an eye on her. Soon they found out that she was getting abused by Jack.

After a few months Linny was fed up with Jack's abuse, out of rage she kidnapped him and murdered him so she didn't get hurt anymore. After that Linny changed her name to Shroom and she would hide herself with her cat hoodie to stop the bullying and bad looks.

One day, When Linny was 23 she was threatened to be killed if she didn't kill her mother. So she had no choice but to kidnap her and murder her. She turned her mother into and doll and placed her in a case next to Jack.

On her 26 birthday she finally got to meet her siblings, she was so happy to finally meet them after years of wanting to meet them. After a few weeks later Shroom decided to join Stella's mafia family to be with her sister and for fun. Although Shroom has been to jail quite often she would always get bailed out by her friends, some of her friends, Lyra Carter, Quinn Garcia, Mateo Colson, Jamie Miller, Nicholas Harris never really bailed her out cause they say it's a 'lesson'. Shroom didn't like how they always gave her lecture about it, it always pissed her off.

Shroom has this weird obsession with apples, cats, mice, and snakes. She eats and/or drinks anything that has apples in it. She loves cats in fact she has a white Norwegian Forest cat named Snowfluff. She loves Snowfluff very much and will protect her till the day she dies. Shroom also has a pet snake named Kai, Kai is a king snake that trusts Shroom being near her more than anyone. Shroom has a mouse name Cheddar, Cheddar trusts anyone being around her, even Snowfluff and Kai.

A/N: That's all I have I'll edit this when I have some more delicious lore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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