Removal of WP private messages

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 As most of you are aware, Wattpad is planning to remove the private message feature. Personally, I think this is not right.

It is unfair to every Wattpad user!! Instead of removing pms, why can't Wattpad actually do their job and remove groomers and pedos?? It's the bare minimum. They are ruining things for themselves.

Please sign the petition below to help stop our pms from being taken away: data-p-id="d217326ae5a4825eed5e0a8eab6daf9e

If you are not able to sign the petition, please spread the word and share the link. To contact Wattpad about it, email: .

I think you can copy the link and place it in your google chrome thingy.
If possible, please help #ourpmsourright to be seen by adding it to the tags of any book that you have in regards to this situation.Our pms
Our right

I copied this from @Horandog15 because Im not that good with words, and I really need to get this message across. I hope you don't mind love

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