introduction =]P

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hello hii!!

welcome to my fleshcousin au book =D

there's alot of things to know b4 getting started hajahah

Number one: THIS IS MY AU!! I don't believe this is canon and I never said it was, this is just something I made for fun.

Number two: I have an OC in this story, but think of it more of a placeholder. You'll see why when I get started :)

Number three: I try to aim for about 1000-3000 words per chapter. I like adding tiny details in that seem like nothing but play a huge part in lore. I've always loved games like DDLC just for that. Like Monika's "You kind of left her hanging this morning." line. THATS SO GENIUS!!

Number four: THIS will be set out in various different ways. I'll label them best I can below.

+ = diary log.
÷ = narrator
{char name} = characters pov
* = texts/SMS/voice notes
$ = calls
{char name} = also can mean dialogue in things like texts.
■ = posters/flyers

try and remember that best you can hehe- I'll try and put it at the beginning of each chapter <3

Number five: Kai (oc) is the imput for fleshcousins "previous form" in this story. Because in this AU, fleshy used to be a human. So don't take this character literally, he's just somebody I made to fill in that role. (he/they)

Number six: I use alot of the Wikipedia pages info for this. I'll name what I use in this story below.

"Fleshcousins used to be called Skinwalkers."
"Under the paper mask of Fleshcousin is just a hole. Nothing inside, just a pit."
"The blood of a Fleshcousin is blue."
"It's favorite fish is a pufferfish."
"The favorite food depends on the fleshy, but is typically salmon."
"Their favorite song is the Crazy Bus Title Screen theme."
"A group of fleshcousins is called a fleece."
"Their favorite drink is usually river water."
"Fleshcousin speaks word gibberish."
"They're known to get along well with parrots."
"Fleshys are wild FleshCousins."
"Fleshcousin is not fully sentient."
"Fleshcousins can typically come in any color."

The things I've changed is its height. Normally it's 5' 9", but my hc is that it's 7' 8".
Also the reason they mimic people. This is for lore reasons that'll become obvious later on. (Canon: because of natural instincts.)

also: fleshcousins birthday is actually every day, because technically they are everybody.

Number seven: if you're a bit slow, yes, this is a fleshcousin focused au. I have a oneshots book if that's what you're more into >w<

Number eight: I won't include ships for a while, because I start from around when they were toddlers. So, yeah. Bit strange blud =P

(I will add some later on though!!)

Number nine: sorry, but there will only be TINY bits of skaterlight. It'll get in the way of the lore otherwise, BUT, maybe I'll do a fic about them someday💔

anyways I think thats it!! :D

enjoy 😋😋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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