Chapitre 1: The parapet

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I stand in line praying to the gods that this stupid day will end quickly, very quickly. But I do not forget that this day is nothing like the others I have known: this day can be the last. I hope my death will be short and painless.

I'm not going to die, I can't die.

Thousands of thoughts reach me and increase my anxiety while laughter resounds. How can you laugh when you're in this queue? I am now persuading riders are strange people who love blood and chaos. The young blonde in front of me displays a huge smile with her family, an innocence and boundless joy emanates from her.

- "You know, Mom, I'm gonna be a rider!" she giggles

- "Eva don't be so impatient and confident, save that energy for the parapet. I don't want your name on the death list, honey".

I congratulated her mentally for uttering these words, finally someone normal. The parapet is a particularly deadly test even if I remain convinced that the hardest remains to come. The trials that await those who cross it are just as dangerous to see more than the parapet. Basgiath changes those who return, definitely.

The sky begins to cover slightly when my turn arrives to the registration desk. The old man has a closed and weary face, just like me.

Second normal person met today

- "name and surname miss"

- "Iris. Iris Riorson". I answer him quite simply while observing his changing face, the boredom that resided there a minute before disappearing.

I suddenly became the focus of a dozen people in this queue. Damn it.

This is not going to I'm not here by choice, so I'm going to survive. I'm going to survive. I'm going to survive. I'm going to survive.

Help me survive, I have just been registered as I am already the enemy of many here. Who would not cut off the head of the daughter of the greatest rebel of Navarre. Everything to change the day when my parents did not return home but the lives of all the children of the rebellions have changed. I did not miss, the whispers began, and I felt tingling in my back indicating that several eyes were now fixed on me.

I walk with my head held high and my eyes straight in front of me, heading towards the stairs that may lead to my loss. The wind caresses my face and stings my eyes that threaten to shed tears. Saying my name out loud in front of all these people to awaken something in me, I thought I would collapse at another time, when crossing the parapet. Well, no, I'm falling apart by simply giving my name to a stranger. But to see their surprises in their eyes just reminded me that for them I am only the daughter of a traitor, a man that the whole country criticizes and curses every day. My name is insulted every day the gods offer. My father was the Man who taught me to read, the one who loved me so much that hearing them smear his image, tears me apart. All this reminds me of one thing: why I am here because I did not have the choice like all those who carry the relic that I have on my neck.

I get out of my thoughts when a body suddenly gets stuck to me. I just ran into someone, I'm really gonna get thrown over the parapet if I keep going.

- "Lys, is that you?" I don't even have time to look up with arms around me. I recognize that smell and that blond hair. Liam. If I did not cry a few moments ago I will find myself in tears this time.

- "Liam, tell me it's you?"

- "Of course, who do you want these big arms to belong to?"

I get out of his arms before anybody gets noticed. I look at him in detail and I see how much he has grown. Logical, the last time I saw him was over five years ago. My best friend, the one I grew up with is months after so many years. Always as sure of himself, if his insurance is extremely justified.

- "Will you explain to me why you stopped answering my letters, Liam?"

Sorry, Liam, you may be batting like a God and keeping those eyes, but I can't help but throw this at you. The worst part is watching his little smile break down I realize I don't blame him. He probably had those reasons, like all those who stopped sending me letters. Like my brother who abandoned me a long time ago. I'm not gonna miss you, Xaden Riorson.

- "It's not what you think, Lys, I can see from your little frown that you think I just stopped answering you. Well, just so you know, we'll talk when we're safe in an hour or two. For now, I want you to concentrate because I will not accept your death, not after seeing you found"

- "You know nobody calls me Lys anymore, little guy".

He laughed and said, - "First of all, I am not just anyone and as long as I am alive there will be someone to name you Lys. Second, don't call me "little guy" anymore when you're so little. Seriously, Iris, have you even grown up in the last six years?".

He's right, I didn't grow up that much. I was 14 the last time we saw each other, so yes, I changed. But I stayed quite small. One thought comes to mind: Is Xaden even bigger than the last time I saw him, the time we were separated into different families. Despite all my resentment and feelings of abandonment, I miss him. I miss my older brother

-"Come on, little guy, we must hurry up these stairs. The suspense of whether I'm going to die or not is itching me."

He smiles at me and places his hand on my back to direct me upwards.


After about thirty minutes, we are at the top of the stairs, and more than a few heads prevent us from perceiving the parapet.

A young man, probably a third year asks me my identity: - «Iris Riorson.»

I saw him look at me curiously as if I had just come out with the greatest lie he had ever seen.

Nevertheless, he came to his senses - "Riorson as in ..."

- "As in Riorson, there are no mistakes, you can stop swallowing flies". It wasn't me who said that it was the man I was most afraid to see again.

Xaden Riorson was before me. My brother is before me.

So, this is the last face I'm gonna see before I die?


(I want to specify before starting that it is a fanfiction of the universe of "fourth wings" and therefore the universe and the characters are the creation of Rebecca Yarros who produced a magnificent story! The only thing that really belongs to me is my OC and the plot that accompanies it even if I am inspired by the original story. In addition, English is not my mother tongue but I try to do the best to not feel it! thank you)

The shadow of rebellionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora