🥳 Kisses and Wishes | C. Leclerc

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— part of the birthday bash fics

Summary: with the morning beginning with kisses, Charles ensures that your entire birthday is spent filled with love, laughter, and even more kisses.

Summary: with the morning beginning with kisses, Charles ensures that your entire birthday is spent filled with love, laughter, and even more kisses

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As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, you stirred from your sleep to the gentle sensation of kisses peppering your face. Blinking groggily, you opened your eyes to find Charles, your boyfriend, leaning over you with a bright smile showcasing his dimples that you adored.

"Happy birthday, my love," he whispered, his lips brushing against yours tenderly.

You couldn't help but smile, feeling the warmth of his affection enveloping you. "Thank you, baby."

His smile widened as he leaned back slightly, revealing a tray of delicious breakfast delights laid out on the bedside table. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of pancakes and berries, making your stomach growl in anticipation.

"I thought we could start your special day with a breakfast fit for royalty such as a princess like yourself," Charles said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

You chuckled, "you know, just because you're called the prince of Monaco, that doesn't make me the princess."

He frowned, "a prince is not a prince without his princess, I, of course, cannot live without you." His words took you by surprise and you wondered just how many more times he would catch you by surprise today.

You looked at him fondly, slightly lost for words. Instead, you sat up in bed to admire the arrangement of various treats spread before you. "You're amazing, Charles. Thank you for this."

"It's my pleasure, darling," he replied before placing a kiss on your forehead. Sliding underneath the covers, he sat beside you and stated "now, let's dig in before it gets cold."

As you both enjoyed the delicious breakfast together, Charles couldn't resist stealing glances at you, his eyes filled with adoration. "I have something else planned for you today," he said, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Oh? What is it?" you asked, intrigued.

"It's a surprise," he replied with a grin, "but I promise you'll love it."

While you were eager to discover all the surprises he had planned, you didn't move a muscle after finishing breakfast since you were quite content laying beside your lover. His back rested against the headboard and you cuddled him; your arm looping with his.

He held your hand, tracing random shapes on your palm and simply just playing with your fingers. It was completely silent except for the birds chirping away outside your window. Hearing those sounds, both of you turned your heads to look out the window.

Moments later, Charles became restless as he wanted to take you towards the next surprise. "Ma cherie, why don't you go change and then I can show you the surprise?" Humming in response, you began moving away but before you could walk away completely, he pulled you back.

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