The Garfield Room|Gorefield AU Info

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This is just a information page about this Gorefield AU that I came up with.

So I asked myself...

What if Gorefield turn his victims into Garfields/Gorefields instead of killing them?

Well on this page, I will go be you the full details about it as this will explain everything on how Gorefield would be able to turn his victims into his own kind rather than killing them and eating them alive like a freshly baked lasagna that is fresh out of the oven.

You see, after Gorefield felt lonely that both Jon and Odie are not around the empty house and he had no one to talk to, even though that he has unlimited TV shows to watch on the TV, have plenty of food and lasagna to eat that always restock in the pantry and refrigerator and have a comfy bed to sleep on and rest for as long as he wants.

But despite the many things that he has to keep himself occupied and satisfied with, he still felt like he needed someone to keep him company for all eternity.

So he decided to use his powers to kidnap innocent victims into his realm and turn them into Garfields/Gorefields by either biting them or feeding them with lasagna that he made himself.

Eating the tainted lasagna will slowly turn the person that consumed it into a Garfield/Gorefield. It doesn't matter if you are male or female, there could be possible to have a female Garfield/Gorefield.

The following symptoms include:

Hating Mondays.

Have a love for eating lasagna, pizzas, Italian cuisine, etc.

Sleeping for long periods of time like a lazy cat.

You will become lazy and more of a slob.

Watch TV for hours and hours.

You will start to grow fur, gain weight and develop cat-like instincts.

Eventually, you will soon gain all of the memories and the personality of Garfield/Gorefield.

Once the transformation is complete, there is no turning back, but there is a chance to prevent the infection.

However, it will be impossible to get the cure for the infection and the simple way to find a cure by stealing a blood sample from Garfield/Gorefield in order to find a way to create a cure for the infection.

But the only thing is how Gorefield is gonna be able to lure unsuspecting victims to his realm to inject and force them to consume his specially made lasagna.

To do that, he creates an entire bedroom filled with a bunch of Garfield related stuff and merchandise from DVDs, video games, plushies, decorations, furniture, etc. and whoever stays in the room for more than 30 minutes, Gorefield won't be far to kidnap you even when you have fallen asleep on the Garfield chair or couch and you can't escape from becoming just like Garfield, no matter if you are a man nor a woman.

Gorefield will do anything to get you to join and become just like him. Not to mention that the transformation will cause you to develop Stockholm syndrome when Gorefield acts like a very good host as he manipulates you into staying with him for a while until your fate is sealed and you never want to leave. Then when the next victim arrives in the house, you won't hesitate to help out Gorefield to make their guest to join the family.

Also the walls are filled with so many Garfield comic strips and every time a victim's soul is claimed and became a Garfield/Gorefield, a new comic strip will appear on the wall.

As for the room itself, it's big enough to be a man cave and the room will appear in any house and will replace the room in said house, but as long as you stay out of the room, it will eventually go away until it reappears in another location.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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