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"Ughhh where am I? " the childlike God ponders getting up and stretching in all different directions and positions. The small childlike God went out . Lights flash into their eyes , they squint as the bright lights fade and appears a giant city in front of them. The small God's eyes gleam as they watch the bustling city and the many people around but they aren't sure where they are. As they walked around a bit they noticed that this is a city named Yokohama inside Japan. The small god recalls to their studying years and know's they're is no such thing as a city named Yokohama. They walk over to a store with a book plastered on it and using their knowledge it's most likely a library .They went in the library for some information about Yokohama since it never existed before. A small jingle from the door opening and a scent washes over them, they could hear the people turning their pages. Smell the fresh scent of books comes as well and how cozy the library is, beanbags spread out neatly and people sitting in them. As the small God wandered around looking for a book about this city and the possibilities of what's happening.They walked near some weird metal box and squinted at it in confusion and curiosity. It dawned over the small one as for what that weird box is but left it alone and went back to their main goal. Once they got back on track a stranger walked up and asked where's the small one's parents.

"Where's your parents little one? "

"... "

Answered the small one as for they were not sure if they should respond also because they felt the uneasiness and malicious intent comming from the stranger.

"Ah how 'bout I take you home cmon" the stranger said as they hover above upon the failed god.

"Let go... " They said quietly as the sound could be compared to a whisper.

"So we're talking now hm? " they said in a teasing voice .

"Ah now we don't want disobedient children do we?"she speaks softly in the smaller one's ears.

After the small whisper was given the small one consciously shivered from the whisper. Once their face moved away the stranger tightly grabbed the small wrist that belonged to the smaller one. The stranger grabbed on and proceeded to lie to anyone who asked about them. And say that they're just siblings. The stranger walked out with their hand still around the smaller one's wrist. As they both walk out with the small one still looking terrified as for they left their staff in the library and didn't have a lot of physical strength to fight them off. While the small one is being dragged suddenly they stopped walking and the smaller one looked around confused knowing some people are stupid enough to think they're family so they won't come and help. Once they snapped out of their trance they glanced at their kidnapper who's having a conversation with a tall brunette male about them.

" Hey kid is this your mom or sister? " he said sweetly but slightly hinting he's asking them if this is a kidnapper.

"Oh he's my brother don't worry I just had to drag him out of the toy store" as she replied for them to try to get him of her tail.

"Oh no I'm asking 'him', so is this your sister" he said pointing towards the supposed 'sister'.

They nod no as the kidnapper nervously looks back up at the tale brunette male and attempt a run away but was caught by this wrist freeing the small one from the kidnapper who was holding on tightly. The tall male grabs handcuffs and puts it on the kidnapper and calls someone to take them away.

Once they came and took her away the tall male walked up to them and asked where's their parents. The small one replied with a nod indicating a no. Before he could ask more they took his hand and ran back to the library for their staff. While running back the tall male decided to speak after a bit of silence.

"My name is Dazai Osamu, what's yours? "He asked trying to get some more information about the 'kid'.

After the question they paused and started walking and turned around to face the brown haired male.

"... Name's Tsuki Hitari just call me Suki" they said to break the silence.

Dazai hummed and asked where they're headed and Tsuki said they both were getting their staff.
They walked past the busy stores and the bustling ones too and looked at the city. The two arrived after having a one sided conversation with
each other. Tsuki was the first to go in so they could quickly get their staff back. Dazai came in not so long after them and was thinking about who the Tsuki Hitari is. Tsuki grabbed their staff and made their way to the door but before they could return to exploring the brunette lightly put his hands on their shoulder. They turn around and look back at him eyes full of curiosity.

"Why don't we chat on those bean bags?

They hummed in agreement and walked over to the beanbags he pointed out wondering if he's trying to get information out of them. Once they walked over to the bean bags the tall brunette spoke cheerfully but as well judging every move they've made to figure out their body language but they just moved like a machine. No sense of emotion left behind. He was eyeing the small one closely when they were putting down their staff surprisingly big compared to them. But also how it gives a magical aura indescribable to anyone who tries to understand it will fail to even word it . It's essence is just wood but contains pure magic in the small gemstone , it's as if it was made by the ethereal book that has the ability to alter anything. It's as if it is the book itself.
He ponders as the child walks on over the the big bean bag chairs and sits down properly which is surprising for a 'child' to have such proper etiquette . Unless they must've been through excruciatingly strict family to accomplish such a feat for someone who looks 8 years old. Maybe the 'child' is a orphan looking for a home to stay, The many possibilities of what could've happened to them is a vast amount ,but who has time to count them all? He looks back at the staff with only his brown eyes for a split second to see it once more and judging by the magical aura surrounding it his suspicions have been correct the kid it a ability user ,but what type?
He looks at the tall man who was thinking for a minute but luckily for them they saw right through him. They say eyes are the window to someones soul but sadly as well as luckily for them no such thing as a 'soul' existed for them .They were just 'the divine creation ' or 'the one who could throw the gods into the ground'. They were never really sure about the second nickname since their own memories had either slipped away or taken by the light they saw before passing out , and awakening not remembering much.

"So where ya from? "

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