"I agree.", Uddhav interjected immediately.
"You agree with her joke?!", Arnav snapped.
"No.. I agree with the fact that you should start a new family.", Uddhav said.

Anupamaa sat, completely out of context.

So Mister Zaveri is a divorcee too? Doesn't look like one though. Anyways, how does it concern me?

"I have had this talk with you Baba.", Arnav's voice suddenly became cold, the agitation visible,
"Marriage is over for me. I have done once, failed once and I require no more bad husband certificates."

So he was a bad husband?
By looks, cannot be.
Maybe he has temper issues. Yes, definitely he has temper issues. Look at the way he has clenched his fists.

Anupamaa thought in her head drawing in a deep breath.
Himanshi walked out of the kitchen, the servants followed her with the food.

"Enough of talks, it is time for some good food now.", She said with a gentle smile.
She noticed Anupamaa and gave a courteous nod.
Anupamaa nodded back, feeling overwhelmed.

Such rich high class people are being so nice to me.
And then there is their annoying son who snatched my restaurant.
Was he picked from a dustbin on something? They do look kind.. they might just help a crying child...

The thought seemed quite funny, even in imagination.
She pursed her lips, trying to hide her smile.

The servants served the food as Himanshi sat down, opposite to Anupamaa.

"So, Anupamaa.. are you married?", Uddhav asked for confirmation.
Arnav drew in a sharp breath.
"Baba, she is a guest. Can we let personal questions be?", He said immediately as he took a bite of his paratha.

It was unhealthy eating day at the Zaveri Mansion today.

"She is not just a guest.. she is like my daughter now.", Uddhav said straightening up, in an authorative tone.
"Hein?!", Arnav said almost involuntarily, "Like you met her some five minutes back, you know nothing about her apart from her name! How is she your newly adopted daughter?!"
"Arnav Bhai, calm down.", Malvika said grinning, "Anupamaa.. Bhai is one jealous cat. Anyone remotely threatening his position and he loses his head."
Anupamaa broke into a smile.

These people really did not differentiate between rich and poor. They made her feel like she was a family member only.
"A cat he is.", Himanshi said smiling, "When he was younger, he wanted to grow up and be a cat.."

Arnav buried his face in his hands in frustration.
His family was going to definitely destroy is badass cold billionaire image.
Anupamaa looked at Arnav, wide-eyed.
"Arrey ha.. He would run around the house doing meow-meow.", Rohini added, giggling.

Anupamaa made a huge effort to not laugh out loud, but the little amused smile was impossible to hide.
Arnav sighed.

"Enough.", He said standing up, "Miss Joshi, come along, we must discuss about your restaurant."
He said exasperated.
Anupamaa immediately stood up.
"Why? Anupamaa did not even start with her food-"
"She can eat later. Work is important.", Arnav told Malvika sharply. She made a sad face, with a tragic pout.

"I will eat someday later.. Today we have important work.", Anupamaa said with a soft smile.
"You are so nice! And this Arnav, always rude!", Malvika said immediately.
Arnav furrowed his brows, watching his whole family suddenly turn against him.

He drew in a deep breath, straightened his suit.
"Follow me.", He said as he walked down the hall and then upstairs to his study.
Anupamaa followed him after passing a courteous smile to everyone at the table.

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