Part Thirteen:Mad with power.

Start from the beginning

Maddie: Umm... Okay.

Tom: Rocking that new spring collection, I see.

Robotnik: Well, if it isn't the Pastry King.

Tom: The Donut Lord. A real genius would remember the name of the guy who helped kick your butt off this planet. And I'll do it again if you mess with Green Hills.

Robotnik: Congratulations on your oh-so-temporary sense of superiority.

Walters: You're finished, Robotnik! We've taken everything. Your lab, your drones, your funding! Let's see how big of a man you are without your silly little robots.

Robotnik:We'll then, I'll just take it all back.

[With the point of Robotnik's finger, screws and bolts start unplugging from the tanks and vehicles as they start deconstructing themselves]

Robotnik: Welcome to the new norm.

[Robotnik starts floating up in the air as black clouds start circling around him. More G.U.N vehicles start deconstructing as they are levitated into the cloud, making it grow and swirl]

Walters: My God!

[Stone rushes out of the Mean Bean Coffee Café and faces Robotnik.]

Stone:Doctor, take me with you!

[Stone nods as green lightning carries him by the leg into the cloud as it continues to grow and swirl until it becomes a black tornado that consumes more deconstructed vehicles]

Tom: He's taking everything apart.

Maddie: He's building something.

"Location: Outside Green Hills, daytime."

[Through a Ring, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles on the Tornado arrive to see the tornado Robotnik has made]

Tails: That can only be one thing.

Knuckles: The fearsome power of the Emerald.

Sonic: If that thing really turns thoughts into power, we are in big trouble. Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts.

Tails: Hey, Sonic, are you sure it was a good idea bringing you-know-who aboard?

Sonic: Knuckles isn't really a bad guy. He's just a little mixed up.

Knuckles: I am not mixed up! I have steely focus. And I'm complex. And that's a lot for some people.

Tails: (Chuckles nervously) Hope you're not still mad I hit you with that car.

Knuckles:(Scoffs) I was completely uninjured. And my revenge will come when you least expect it, Fox.

"Location:Inside the tornado."

[A glimpse inside Robotnik's tornado is shown, revealing a mechanical face. Robotnik is then shown floating above a platform with Agent Stone at the control panel]

Stone: Sir, you're magnificent!

Robotnik: Thank you, sycophant. Your admiration is inevitable.

[Everyone watches as the black tornado dies down to reveal the Giant Eggman Robot]

Wade:So much power.

[Wade picks up the chair rushes out of there.]

Robotnik: World domination playlist.

[Robotnik proceeds to play Walk with his leg like a electric guitar and proceeds to dance stomp through town with the Giant Death Egg Robot]

Walters: Fall back. Fall back! Quick! Retreat!

[The Tornado heads toward Green Hills as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles see the Giant Eggman Robot]

Tails: How are we supposed to beat this thing?

Sonic: We need a plan. Knuckles, use your strength to...

[Knuckles folds his arms across his chest and willingly falls off the wing of the Tornado and plummets down to the ground below]

Sonic: Jump off the plane. Wow. Okay, this is what we're gonna do.

[Sonic gets on top of the top wing of the Tornado, facing the Giant Eggman Robot]

Sonic: Step 1: Light taunting.

[Tails looks impressed.]

Sonic:Step 2: I have no idea.

[Tails is not impressed anymore.Tom and Maddie look up to see the Tornado heading straight for the Giant Eggman Robot]

Maddie: Sonic!

[The Tornado proceeds to circle the Death Egg Robot]

Sonic: Nice action figure, Eggman. Does it do anything or just stand there looking ugly?

Robotnik: Like a blister, he keeps coming back! He's on the okay-to-kill list. Shoot the missiles. Make a decision.

Stone: Uh, I need a moment, sir. I'm trying to figure out how to do this.

Robotnik: Did you even glance at a manual?

Stone: No!

[Robotnik teleports right next to Stone and proceeds to press buttons on the control pad]

Robotnik: I'll do it. Pardon my lightning. You might want to ground yourself.

[The Death Egg Robot proceeds to shoot a barrage of missiles from its chest towards the Tornado]

Tails: Uh oh.

Sonic: I'm gonna pop that thing open like a can of chili...

[Missiles fly right toward the Tornado at top speed]

Tails: Hang on! Yeah!

[Tails does a barrel roll with the Tornado, dodging all the missiles and relieving Sonic who's hanging on for life.]

Sonic: Close one.

[One of the missiles hits Sonic, making him fly away with it]

Tails: Sonic!

To Be Continued.

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