An Xia looked down on the Lin Family and she severely looked down on Lin Ze but she still her vanity was great, she wanted to take a husband to hide her illicit deeds that she did with Xing Bengt but at the same time she thought that it was a sheer embarrassment for her to become a villager's secondary wife. If Lin Ze was a minister she would have thought about it but he wasn't and that was enough to douse her excitement of getting married again, Lin Ze might be just a sacrificial fool with whom she hooked up but she didn't want to share her sacrificial lamb with anyone either.

Thus, she has been fanning the flames from the side, such that the family would come to a conclusive decision.

Just as An Xia expected Grandma Lin exploded as she lunged at Zhang Xiaohui, " you- you are shameless, my son is crying in the room but you are still thinking about running out of the house, ahhh what sin I committed that I got a daughter in law like you?" These days Grandma Lin had no qualms about raising her hands on Zhang Xiaohui, she would hit her if there was too much salt in the food, hit her if the clothes weren't dry and would continue to hit her if the house wasn't properly cleaned, in short as long as she felt even the slightest bit of discomfort she would hit her daughter in law.

Her thinking was simple, An Xia was going to marry in her family, she was also carrying her grandson, thus Zhang Xiaohui who has been acting like a tyrant has lost her footing. A middle-aged woman with no backing where will she go? Nowhere! So, there was no need to worry about Zhang Xiaohui's retaliation.

Generally, Zhang Xiaohui would have fought back by now but today she let Grandma Zhang pull her hair and wildly beat her in front of the villagers, she didn't fight back but instead curled on the ground and shrieked in pain.

Old Grandma Lin didn't even bother to listen to her painful screams, she kept pulling Zhang Xiaohui's hair as she scolded her at the same time.

"It's your fault, you are a jinx! Ever since my son married you, all his business has been failing one after another. It must be you who cursed my son and had this misfortune befall on him, it's you! I will beat you to death, I will beat you to death."

Her son just started to live a good life yet all of a sudden just in a day, he lost everything. Grandma Lin was bewildered and she vented all her rage on Zhang Xiaohui.

Zhang Xiaohui was burning with rage, each time Grandma Lin hit her, the rage in her heart kept on building. She looked at her two children who looked away at once, sixteen years- she had given sixteen years to this family but enough was enough!


Chapter 513 Used to hard life  

Zhang Xiaohui had been suffering everything in silence because she didn't want her children to be bullied by An Xia. After all, just one glance was enough to let others know that the woman wasn't as easy as she seemed, but what did her children do for her? They ignored her, watched her get beaten and even turned a blind eye to all her sufferings. Wasn't it because their father was earning money now? When she was the one who was responsible for buying and selling grains, they all snuggled up to her but now they were ignoring her since she was no longer in charge of the money? What exactly was she to them a mother or just a money-making goose?

" what are you doing? What the hell are you doing?" Village head Luo had already heard everything that was going on outside but he couldn't just rush into the fight between two women. He wanted to let Zhang Xiaohui and Grandma Lin sort out the trouble all by herself but then he heard the painful screams of Zhang Xiaohui and had to go out even if he didn't want to, it didn't matter what they did behind closed doors but if something happened while he was still here then it would be him who has to deal with the aftermath. "Old madam Lin, have you lost your mind? Your son is still lying in the bed yet you are hitting your daughter in law so furiously, if something happened to her will you be the one who will take care of these two?"

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