Chapter 1

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It's a nice day at Auradon. Ben is currently getting fitted but this story isn't about him or the VK's. This story is about Ben's twin sister, Elizabeth. Since her twin brother is going to be king of Auradon Elizabeth doesn't have to worry about becoming a queen or any royal duties. Elizabeth is currently reading a book while Ben is being fitted. Both Beast and Belle pay attention to Ben more than her but she doesn't mind. Well maybe a little but at least it's not full on neglect. Beast and Bella celebrate both of their children's birthday, she goes on family trips with her parents, she even gets Christmas presents but not as much as Ben. All Elizabeth wants is to have someone to talk to and maybe fall in love but most guys she met are stuck up, spoiled, brats. She wouldn't mind someone who is kind, sweet, and a little nerdy like her but what she doesn't know is that she will meet that person in Auradon Prep.

New York

(Y,N) Parker also known as the Spectacular Spider Man is currently swinging to stop the rhino. Now you're probably wondering that shouldn't Rhino be at the Isle well normally he would be but Doctor Octavius somehow figured out how to escape and he only gave that knowledge to the Sinister Six. Spider-Man caught up to Rhino.

(Y,N): Hey Rhino who set you free from the zoo?

Spider-Man punched Rhino. Rhino stopped then looks at Spider-Man.

Rhino: I'm going to squash you bug!

Spider-Man: How many times do I have to tell you Rhino. Spiders are not bugs they are arachnids!

Rhino charged at Spider-Man but Spider-Man dodged and hit Rhino. Rhino gets up and charged at Spider-Man again. Spider-Man dodged.

(Y,N): Olé!

Rhino turns around and charged at Spider-Man again. Spider-Man dodged.

(Y,N): Olé!

Spider-Man then kicks Rhino. Rhino tries to get up but Spider-Man webbed Rhino up. Some police officers came to the scene.

Police officer #1: Thank you for stopping Rhino, Spider-Man.

(Y,N): Your welcome officer.

Police Officer #2: Spider-Man do you know how the Sinister Six keep escaping the Isle?

(Y,N): I'm not really sure how they keep escaping but if I had to guess Doctor Octavius probably figured out how to escape.

Police Officer #1: Thank you Spider-Man.

(Y,N): Your welcome officers.

Spider-Man starts swinging away to go home. Spider-Man arrives home and went to his bedroom window. Spider-Man opens the window and went inside. Once inside Spider-Man took off his suit and changed to his normal clothes. (Y,N) opened the and he saw his dad, Peter Parker watching tv.

(Y,N): Hey dad.

Peter looks away from the tv and he sees his son.

Peter: Hello son. How was patrol?

(Y,N): It was good dad. I fought the Rhino and now he is on his way to the Isle.

Peter: Well that's good son. Old Rhino didn't give you any problems right?

(Y,N): No he didn't give me any problems dad.

Peter: That's good.

(Y,N): Dad where is mom?

Peter: She is in the kitchen cooking.

(Y,N) froze.

(Y,N): W-What.

Peter: I know how you feel son.

(Y,N): Mom only cooks when something important happens.

Peter: You did receive a letter from Auradon Prep.

(Y,N): A letter from Auradon Prep? What does it say?

Peter: We don't know yet. We were going to open it during dinner.

(Y,N)'s mom, Gwen Parker got out of the kitchen.

Gwen: Dinner is ready!

Gwen went back to the kitchen to take out the food.

Peter and (Y,N): May god have mercy on our souls.

(Y,N) and Peter went to the dining table, waiting for their possibly last meal. The Parker family are having dinner.

(Y,N): So mom, dad what did Auradon Prep want?

Gwen: We haven't opened it yet.

(Y,N): Then let's open it.

Gwen gives her son the letter. (Y,N) opens it and read the letter.

Peter: Well? What does it say?

(Y,N): King Beast wants me to attend Auradon Prep.

Peter: What?

Gwen: Congratulation (Y,N).

Peter: Are you sure it's from King Beast?

(Y,N): Yes it is dad. It says that his final act as king he wants (Y,N) Parker aka Spider-Man to attend Auradon Prep.

Peter: Why would king Beast want (Y,N) to attend Auradon Prep?

Gwen: What do you mean Peter?

Peter: Gwen we both know that king Beast is a Jameson fan. So it's a little surprising that he wants our son to attend Auradon Prep.

(Y,N): You think that this might be a trap?

Gwen: Or maybe king Beast realized that Jameson is a liar about us.

The three Parker's don't make a noise until all three starts laughing.

(Y,N): That's a good one mom. Mom, dad.

Peter: Yes son.

(Y,N): If I go to Auradon Prep who will protect New York from the Sinister Six?

Gwen: Your father and I will protect New York, son.

(Y,N): Okay mom. I better go pack.

(Y,N) left to go to his room to start packing. Gwen starts glaring at Peter.

Peter: What's wrong Gwen?

Gwen: My cooking is not that bad.

Peter playfully rolled his eyes.

Peter: Oh please Gwen, last week you burned water when you were making lunch.

Gwen: But at least I didn't burn the house down.

Peter: I know that you are trying Gwen, but maybe you should reconsider those cooking lessons from aunt May.

Gwen: (sighs) Your right Peter. After we drop off (Y,N) at Auradon Prep I will talk to May about those cooking lessons.

After an hour (Y,N) comes downstairs with his suitcase.

Gwen: (Y,N) do you have everything with you?

(Y,N): Yes mom I have everything.

Gwen: Good then let's go.

The Parker family left their house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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