She sat in the owlery for hours. The sun started to rise slowly but surely, and her body stopped shaking once the coldest chill of the night had passed. When she saw the first person climbing the steps up, she knew it was time to move.

With a sigh, she made her way back to her dorm, where she would pack everything for her second day at Hogwarts. She wondered if the universe wanted to ruin her spirits today, or if she had passed some sort of test. A test of strength? Whatever.

She met Hermione at breakfast, the girl drowning her with questions about where she had disappeared to during lunch and dinner yesterday.

"My brother pranked me during lunch and I wasn't hungry at dinner." Vienna responded, leaning over Hermione to grab a piece of toast.

"We need to go to the library today!" Exclaimed Hermione. "I haven't checked it out yet, and we should do it together."

Vienna didn't want to break the girl's excitement by telling her she had already seen the library, and instead nodded her head with a smile. She didn't understand how the Granger girl could be so enthusiastic at seven in the morning, especially when they had a day of boring lessons ahead of them. Lorelei had told her that lessons start to become good two to three weeks into the year.

Cardan sat in front of her, a sly smirk on his face. "Hello, little sister."

Vienna rolled her eyes. "What do you need?"

"A little birdie told me that you're friends with Lorelei Mahomes?"

"What do you need, Cardan?"

Fred sat down next to him, leaning forward. "He wants you to introduce him to her. And then maybe convince her to date him. And then they get happily married and–"

"Okay, that's enough, George."

"I'm Fred!"

"I know."

Vienna scoffed at her brothers audacity. He almost ruined her first day at Hogwarts, has been an absolute bitch to her since the start of the summer holidays, and expects her to do him favours? The most he would be getting is a punch to the face.

Cardan leaned forward. "I'm guessing that's a..... no?"

"I think it's self explanatory." Piped in Hermione.

Cardan leaned even more forward, so he was practically laying on the table. "Please, Vee. Just mention my name. That's all. And I'll get you an invite to the party that's being held tonight."

"Why would you assume I wouldn't go anyway?"

"It's fourth years and up." Supplied George, arriving with a pancake stack on his plate. "But we have connections who have granted us a free pass since were third years. And you know, VeeVee, we could get you in."

Vienna bit her lip, glancing around the hall as she thought. "I'll think about it." She told her brother.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, giving Fred and George a high five. He sauntered off, the twins following him as they stuffed food into their mouths.

"Your brother is.... Certainly a lot."

"Tell me about it." Said Vienna under her breath. "Imagine being related to him."

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