Part 2

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Elizabeth's POV

2021, September

This is what had been keeping him on his phone all Labour Day weekend, instead of spending it with me, as was the original plan?

A day at Le Studio, in the dead end of Thetford Mines, spent recording with Laval's own Story Untold and, I hated to admit it...


Jackie, Jace, Jacie, Jacquelin, whatever her name was, the girl that clearly didn't have any shred for public decency, nor common sense, judging by the way she was throwing herself at her much older husband when I first saw her backstage at the Rockfest back in June of last year.

And, from what I observed in that moment, from my seat in the corner of the room, had also settled out to steal my boyfriend of seven months!

Because in addition to convincing Alex to completely ditch our plans that weekend—to visit staples of my hometown—, she also was practically glued to his side as they manned the soundboard, not to mention was whispering things in his ear!

All the while, Alex had remained unfazed! As in, he didn't push back, didn't remind her to stay professional, or even threatened her with a "Hey, my girlfriend is right there!"

No, he did nothing! Absolutely nothing!

As Janick Thibault sang lyrics reminiscent of early Simple Plan, I folded my arms across my chest, inhaled deeply, narrowed my eyes and clenched my teeth at the realization of it all.

Kids these days; not only do they go for partners that are closer to their parents' age than their own, but they also want to steal said partners, who are perfectly happy in their own relationships!

At that thought, I stared at their backs next, my eyes nearly shooting daggers, at what I had intended to convey.

The beef we had when we met, Jacie Evans, well it just got amplified by, like, a million.

As for you, Gaskarth, well, expect to receive the silent treatment from this moment on until you go home.


What felt like a lifetime later, but what was in reality, at the most five hours, and we were then let out for lunch, which was to be held in the studio's outside picnic area.

Yet, while everyone had nearly tripped over themselves at the idea of pizza (horrible, as it could be), I stayed behind, more so, needed to regain my bearings, to make sense of what had gone down between the two people I really didn't want to interact with right now.

To fume at their, in my opinion, less than professional interaction, which had included the both of them being dangerously close and sharing conspiratorial looks and smiles.

It had even seemed, in those engaging moments of closeness, that Jacie enjoyed the anger that was bubbling in me, actually thrived on testing limits, more so, my own.

Which, ask anyone from my family, knew weren't that high to begin with.

Once my short, but evocative reflection finished with, I then got out of my office chair, with the intention to fully join the horde, including the pair, outside, though said intention bordered on more tolerance than actual willingness.

Upon hearing the whispers that rang against the hallways when I stepped out the room, however, said tolerance quickly turned to curiosity.

And, just as soon as I found the source of the noise, anger, at the pure vehemence, that threatened to bring my already boiling blood to eruption.

The Complicated Project (Collab with @aweirdkindofyellow)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें