Getting Louder Up In Here ❤️❤️

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Sleeping peacefully as Dylan woke up from the loud music in the living room, the oldest brother of the family let out a groan and his ears were down.

"Dj, turn that music down right now!" He shouted out as the young pup looks at him and smiled.

"Sorry Dylan, I gotta big music competition coming up in a couple of weeks. It's gonna be at the park, so I want to work on my new music." Dj said gently as Dylan sighed and rolled his eyes.

Dylan spoke. "Well, just keep the music down, okay?"

"You got it, bro." Dj replied.

Dylan let out a yawn and went back to his room to go back to sleep, the pups were playing around. Dizzy and DeeDee walked up to dj and convinced him to play with him.

"Dj, do you want to play with us for a bit?" Dizzy asked.

"I can't right now, I gotta make my music the best for the competition." Dj said in a serious tone as they both decide to leave him alone.

"Okay dj." DeeDee said.

Dizzy wags her cute tail and spoke to her sister. "Come on DeeDee, let's play hide and seek in the backyard." The two pups giggled and ran into the yard and started to leave Dj alone.

DJ figured that he needed to turn up the volume of his music. "Hmm? I'm sure Dylan won't mind, if I turn up my music a little bit louder." The young pup put his paw on the device that shapes like a ball and said the word fetch.

"Fetch, turn up the volume more." He command.

"Turning up volume." The device turn up the music even louder than ever. The boom boxes released the sound waves all over the house.

"Awesome." Dj replied. The young pup have realized that the music was way too loud already. Dylan's space helmet starts to crack and break into a million pieces, which caused DJ to gasps in fear. "Oh no, no, no! What have I done? Dylan's gonna be so mad at me if he founds out."

"Found out about what?" Dolly asked in suspicious.

DJ turned around and acted all nervous.

"Oh, um, hey Dolly, what's up?" DJ asked as he started to hide the broken pieces under the carpet.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing lil bro." Dolly said as she notices the young pup started to act cool.

"Nothing, just you know? Working on my music and other stuff." DJ said nervously.

Dolly smiled at him and spoke. "Well, I'm gonna go skateboard outside for a few hours but Dylan will check up on all of you later on, okay?" She asked.

"Um, okay, cool." DJ said nervously. Dolly put on her skateboard helmet and got her skateboard, then looked back at dj who was sitting there nervously.

"Oh, and by the way, try not to break anything with your loud music." Dolly said as dj gulped nervously and his paws were sweating like crazy. "Like how you accidentally broke Dylan's space helmet with your music."

DJ scoffed. "That's ridiculous Dolly, I didn't even do anything like that."

"I know you wouldn't besides it was a joke lil bro." Dolly said as she let out a chuckle.

DJ nodded nervously. "Yeah, I get it."

"See ya, lil bro. I'll be back later." Dolly said as she left the house.

DJ turned around and lifted up the carpet, sees the broken pieces of the space helmet that Dylan loved so much. He couldn't let his big brother found out about it.

"There's no way that Dylan can't know about this." DJ said quietly as the young pup grabbed a few blankets, hiding the glass pieces under as much fabric as he possibly can.

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