.=-*!~Chapter 1~!*-=.

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(My AU) See bottom for explanation 👇👇👇👇

~Ruin~ (Every chapter, the name here will say which character the chapter will revolve around :D)

Bold Text: Something of importance, something that stands out, or is just bold because its a title.

Italic Text: Thinking or emphasis.

My friend: InkHeartedHuman

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Ruin's POV:

I was hopping around the Pizzaplex since I was bored and didn't have much else to do. The others still think I'm "evil", and that doesn't help much. But one of them, Solar, I think his name was, thinks that I may not be, and seems to try to support me. Maybe I should go visit him. He has been working a lot lately, trying to deal with the "eclipse situation" and taking some of the work off of the rest of family. Especially his brothers. (In this AU, Sun and Moon think of Solar as a brother, basically like in the canon TSAMS. Except there, Solar thinks of himself as a cousin. Just to clarify if this is confusing, Ruin is NOT related to anyone in the TSAMS family.) He's been working so hard. A little visit from a friend wouldn't hurt, right?

The first place I thought of visiting is the daycare. He seems to spend most of his time there I believe. So, while stopping to admire shiny things or examine machinery every now and then, I slowly made my way to the Superstar Daycare.

I hummed a upbeat tune as I stopped and looked up at the big, wooden doors. I stopped humming as I didn't want Solar to know I was here before I greet him. I pushed the doors open as quietly as I could, but they still make the loudest crrrrreeeeaaaaak ever made by a door. Surprisingly, though, Solar didn't seem to notice.

I walked over to the security desk and instantly spotted a grouchy, orange mechanic with goggles wearing a t-shirt with the Superstar Daycare logo. He seemed to be so focused on his work that he didn't notice me in front of him. The only thing that could be heard was the muffled music of the daycare theme and Solar typing and clicking his mouse.

I walked closer to the desk and placed my arms on it, using them to prop up my head. I examined Solar and what he was doing. I picked up one of my arms and used it to wave in front of Solar's face. He still didn't budge. Huh. He must be really into whatever he's doing.

"Solar? Are you there?" I asked. I held myself up with my arms and leaned forward, being a little less than half a foot away from his face. He had eyebags, probably from barley sleeping or charging for over four months now. "Solar, I don't think doing this for so long you don't notice me is healthy." 

I have no other choice to get his attention, so I grab a plug going into the computer and pull it out. His computer shuts off. Solar doesn't seem to even have much of a reaction. He just sat there for a moment, staring. He then groaned and closed his eyes, pinching the area where the bridge of his nose would be.

"Look, Moon, I told you, I'm not going to stop until I finish." Solar said, looking directly at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm, Solar," I said in my british accent, "It's me, Ruin. Not Moon." Solar's tired orange and yellow eyes stared into mine and binked. He then rubbed his eyes and blinked again.

"Oh, hi Ruin. My vision doesn't seem to be doing very well from all of this work," Solar said. "Anyways, do you need something? Or are you just here to annoy me?

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