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Look at me ,
Oh ! Look at me.
Dancing in my own mysery.

My Goodness!
I've spoiled, yet another well made plot of yours, my friend.
My love!

All the effort that you put into things.
Yet again.

I loved you, really at some point I was sure.
I've lost it all, like the things that flew;
flew from my mind.

Oh! Honey!
What do you expect from me, my love?
Attention? Efforts!

It's been months of internal screams.
I try to pay no attention to them.

I feel sad for you.
To expect me to look your way;
when I've been barely noticing myself.

It hurts to say;
but I think you should go away.
While, I'm still capable to bear your absence.

It just hurts to say this to you rn.
Go before, a part of my brain ;
reaks of your name, your name only.

Go before, I see you get tired of this whole game.
Before it becomes a necessity for you to leave.
Before it,
Kills me.
Go your way!

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