Chapter 3 - Day 1

Start from the beginning

You take a quick look at the list on the wall and unsurprisingly, he's not there. Then, you take the 3rd-floor folder and use the page with the official information to compare them to the ones he provided.

Meanwhile, he continues to stare at you through the window. It's a shame nothing in the extra information says anything about how they behave too.

You look at his pictures and compare them, then back at him and it's safe to say that he matches his document as well as yours. His living information as well as his ID number seem to match too. The expiration date is there and it's valid, the logo is not missing, there are no mismatches and his entry request seems legit. A bit lacking in details. You hoped he would have at least explained in it why he's not on the list.

The reason: "I come from my job as a milkman. I live here."

You place the documents back on the desk and look back at him. He blinks and leans a bit forward. "...Is everything okay?" He asks.

You slide the ID back out and put the entry request in the drawer next to your legs.

"I have a few questions for you. For beginners, you are not on the list today. Why is that?"

He doesn't look shocked by your accusations, nor does he show much reaction to it.

"I should be there, that's what the previous one told me."

You raise your eyebrow. "Who?"

"The previous doorman. He told me I was on the list."

You take another look at it. He really wasn't there, so you didn't miss him.

"No, sorry. You're still not there."

He's quietly staring at you for a second before he seems to show some sort of annoyance at the situation.

"Listen, lady. I went out earlier than necessary today so I can have the rest of the day off. The previous doorman wasn't here, so I just left. I told him yesterday about my plan, but I guess he really didn't put me on."

His explanation seems plausible, yet you'd rather confirm it with another method just for good measure.

You sigh. "Ugh, man... Hold on a second, okay?"

You pick up the phone and look up his apartment phone number, then call it up.

You can hear it calling and a few more seconds go before the phone goes dead. Nobody responded.

I guess he really is telling the truth. Unless he really left and his doppelganger managed not only to fabricate a good logical story as an excuse, steal his documents and be a perfect carbon copy of him too.

You instinctively grimace at the thought. It would be a big problem if that happened, however you were taught that the chances of absolutely everything checking out are slim to none in reality.

"Alright. You're clear." You say.

Francis nods and backs away from the window. You push the green button and a moment later the door opens.

"Yeah...Bye." he shifts his gaze towards the door as he starts walking in. As soon as you hear him walk past your office you push the red button and it closes back up.

"He was so lucky his story checked out. Ben really did say he didn't give a fuck anymore and he does seem like the type of person to stop working if he knows he's not going to have to."

Most of the monsters got away or were missed because of the lack of education and training on the matter. You think it was expected with how suddenly this problem appeared. Before, the D.D.D. didn't exist as an official government thing, only self proclaimed group who went out to hunt these creatures where they were needed. Back then they were only a myth.

Double Cover | Doppelganger!Francis Mosses x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now