The Rebirth

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As Rhaenyra closed her eyes. All she could hear was her youngest son calling out to her. The last thing she felt was Sunfyre's jaws closing around her body. She had hoped to feel pain. But the only thing she felt was her body floating to the heavens.

When she looked up she saw a volcano. But it was just any volcano. This place was where the dragons dwelled. The place Rhaenyra's spirit transported to was none other than the Freehold of Old Valyria.

Her father had always told her stories about the Valyrian Freehold, she had never thought it would be like this. Rhaenyra looked around for her children. Her sweet baby Visenya. Her Daemon. As she heard her name, she raced to the voice. She then saw a woman holding not one but 5 babies who were not even a month old. She even had her 4 grandchildren with her. Rhaenyra gasped as the woman turned. She then smiled. That woman was none other than her mother. Queen Aemma Arryn. And her 4 children.

"Hello, Mother."

"Jace. Lucerys. Joffrey. Visenya. Mother."

"There you are, Rhaenyra. We've been waiting for you."

Rhaenyra cried and just ran to hug all of them.

"Mother, we've missed you."

"I've missed you more, my sweet boys."

"We've missed you more, Rhaenyra. Don't worry they're being taken care of."

Rhaenyra looked down in guilt after everything that happened. All because of ambitious people who couldn't accept women ruling the throne.

"I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. I should've done better to protect you all. Mother, I should've stopped father and-"

"It's alright Mother. None of this is your fault."

"Lucerys is right, Rhaenyra. I would've died anyway. There was nothing you could've done to save me."

"What about the Tea. And me sending you all to your deaths."

"That wasn't your fault, mother. We had no idea the Greens were a step ahead of us. You mustn't blame yourself."

Jacaerys gave Rhaenyra a look of confidence. And she smiled at him. Her mother then stopped all of the chatter. And explained everything of how Rhaenyra could change their dynasty for generations to come.

"Rhaenyra, there's not much time."

"What are you saying?"

"We wish we could spend more time with you. But there's someone who wants to speak with you. She can help you. Just listen to her and we'll have no doubt you will succeed."

"Wait Mother, Children, please don't go."

"You'll be fine, we love you, Rhaenyra."

At that moment Rhaenyra's family disappeared back to their resting places. Rhaenyra covered her eyes from a glimpse of the light. A woman with a long black dress appeared behind her.

"Hello, Rhaenyra. My name is Tryaxes."

Rhaenyra turned around as she saw a beautiful woman with a long black dress. She had the Valyrian silver hair just like her ancestors, only her eyes were a different color, red. She even had a Valyrian steel sword attached to the waist of her dress.

"You're the Goddess of Peace, Intelligence, Warfare and Battle strategy? Aren't you?"

"Yes." The goddess smiled at Rhaenyra as she gestured her to approach her.

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