Charpter 1: The Transformation

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The train had rattled softly as it pulled out of Berlin station, and with every metre we travelled away from the city, I could feel the tension growing between Evie and me. She sat opposite me, her gaze fixed out of the window, but I knew she wasn't looking at the passing scenery.

"Evie, why did you have to say something like that to Juma?" My voice was calm, but it was bubbling under the surface. I tried to contain my anger, but it was difficult.

She winced as if she'd forgotten I was sitting next to her. "It was just a joke, Ozwyn. I didn't think that..."

"A joke?" I interrupted her. "You call that a joke? Juma is my brother and you embarrassed him in front of everyone."

"I've already apologised, what more do you want to hear?" Evie looked straight at me now, her eyes sparkling with defiance.

"Apologies don't change what you said." I could feel my hands shaking, my teeth clenching. "You know he's sensitive about his background. And you called him a 'simple street boy'."

Evie sighed and looked out of the window again. "I told you, I'm sorry. I was angry about the Moonlighters thing, and I took it out on him. It wasn't fair, I realise that."

But her words rang hollow in my ears. I couldn't accept the apology, not now. "Fair? Nothing about what you did was fair, Evie. You hurt him, and I couldn't take that so easily."

The train travelled through the darkness and I could feel the darkness rising inside me. I didn't want to be angry, I didn't want to argue, but I couldn't help it. I was angry, so angry that I lost control.

"Ozwyn, please, let's not argue. We're friends, aren't we?" Evie's voice was soft now, almost pleading.

"Friends?" The word tasted bitter on my tongue. "Friends don't do that, Evie."

The train stopped in Wittenberge and I knew I had to go. I couldn't stay here, not like this. I stood up, my movements were jerky, uncontrolled. "I have to get out of here."

Evie reached for my hand, but I shook her off. "Ozwyn, wait!"

I didn't hear them. I didn't see them. I only felt the rage that overwhelmed me. I jumped off the train, out into the night and left everything behind me.

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